Sources: Deseret News, World Methodist Council, New World Encyclopedia, Roots Moravian Church, Pew Research Center, Mennonite World Conference, Lutheran World Federation, The Atlas of Religion, Global Ministries, World Religion Database, Buddah Net, Jewish Virtual Library, Study, Bahá’í World News Service Made with Photopea and Google Sheets
Petal_Chatoyance on
Every single block on that diagram is filled with people absolutely certain all the other blocks are completely wrong and need to be corrected. Nearly all of the blocks have histories of horrific atrocity and violence that lead to the present day, right now, all for the cause of correcting the wrongness of the other blocks of people. And every last one of these blocks represent people who will tell you that they – alone – are truly the peaceful, kind, and loving group devoted to truth and compassion.
This is a diagram of the flavors of insanity within the human species. This is why we fail. This is what brings burning at the stake, beheadings and tortures, ‘honor’ killings and hangings, wars and rapes and butchery. All because each block of people is certain they are right and the other blocks are wrong, and that makes anything justified.
This is a map of madness and mental instability.
bjb406 on
Are there really 4 times as many people that follow Voodoo than follow Judaism?
Sources: Deseret News, World Methodist Council, New World Encyclopedia, Roots Moravian Church, Pew Research Center, Mennonite World Conference, Lutheran World Federation, The Atlas of Religion, Global Ministries, World Religion Database, Buddah Net, Jewish Virtual Library, Study, Bahá’í World News Service Made with Photopea and Google Sheets
Every single block on that diagram is filled with people absolutely certain all the other blocks are completely wrong and need to be corrected. Nearly all of the blocks have histories of horrific atrocity and violence that lead to the present day, right now, all for the cause of correcting the wrongness of the other blocks of people. And every last one of these blocks represent people who will tell you that they – alone – are truly the peaceful, kind, and loving group devoted to truth and compassion.
This is a diagram of the flavors of insanity within the human species. This is why we fail. This is what brings burning at the stake, beheadings and tortures, ‘honor’ killings and hangings, wars and rapes and butchery. All because each block of people is certain they are right and the other blocks are wrong, and that makes anything justified.
This is a map of madness and mental instability.
Are there really 4 times as many people that follow Voodoo than follow Judaism?