Alter Mann bestellt Pizza – 72.000 Upvotes

Von slappywhyte


  1. slappywhyte on

    Those are definitely not real votes, and you see this stuff pushed to the top of so many large subs every single day now, wonder why – like a non-stop propaganda machine

  2. Relative-Grape-8913 on

    Like no one in the history of civilization has ever ordered a pizza before?! Am I right?!

  3. 1andonlydude on

    Abandon all mainstream subs, they’re loaded full of nonsense like this

  4. blueandgold777 on

    I hear he did so after installing a tampon dispenser in the men’s restroom there.

  5. NoCardiologist9290 on

    It’s like he’s more likable than the couch fucker, who would’ve known

  6. iseetrolledpeopleV2 on

    Does his wife enjoy the smell of burnt pizza? Because I’ve seen plenty of videos where she says she enjoyed the smell of tires burning during the jf riots.

  7. TonyClifton2020 on

    Someday Trump supporters may realize what a scourge and stain Trump was to this country, and when his supporters get upset at people showing love to someone that’s not their dear leader they have to lash out in confusion.

  8. ahappygerontophile on

    Mainstream subs are cringe. Politician worship is cringe. They all suck. Everyone is owned, all puppets.

  9. Alpacalypse84 on

    So 72,000 people know that New York City pizza is superior. Not shocking.

    ::Prepares to be downvoted by the population of Chicago::

  10. youcanpick on

    OP, what percentage of people would you expect to upvote that photo?

  11. omg theyre so lovable and human! even though we didnt know they existed before we chucked biden out to dry!! lets have another pizza party at the white house w jeffrey!!!

  12. Bell_End642 on

    Literally as soon as it was clear the debate wasn’t a walk-over for Walz the front page started to fill with positive fluff pieces about him.

  13. ThatDamnRocketRacoon on

    Not much of a conspiracy, since we know what’s going on. Those whose job it is to brainwash and the brainwashees coming together to circle jerk for their “team.”

  14. chillgoza001 on

    Have you heard about cute kitten videos?
    or that photo of the EGG?

  15. Sweet-Drop86 on

    Like this comment so I can get more flair to talk shit on these kinds of subs please. I get down voted to hell for making fun of the npc’s

  16. DepartmentOrdinary39 on

    Gentle old person by day, war criminal sociopath by night. I challenge you to tell me which politician I am talking about…

  17. Prudent-Level-7006 on

    The mundane shit people actually like is baffling just like this slug zombie slowly plodding along enjoying everything coz it’s artificially popular 

  18. Creamycrackle on

    The front popular page of reddit is absolutely riddled with internet aids. 

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