Nach Angaben russischer Sender haben die ukrainischen Streitkräfte zwei chinesische Söldner getötet.


  1. anothaone1234567 on

    You fight for Russia, you can die for Russia. If we’re lucky.

  2. Fickle-Walk9791 on

    Should have chosen the other side of the trench so they could live and tell the other Chinese at home what a miserable country their leadership supports.

  3. Ok-Zucchini-4553 on

    I wonder how many ccp soldiers are fighting for russia. this way they can gather some combat expeirnece and definitely would be a good help along with westerner traitors that was hired by ccp to train their troops for the invasion of taiwan and possibly the southeast/east asia

  4. kylethesnail on

    Chinese domestic propaganda essentially parrots Russian narrative painting the whole invasion as some grandeur’s duel and Russia is fighting for their interest

  5. Ironic, since one of these days the Chinese might find themselves in a trench fighting AGAINST Russians when Winnie the Poo decides that the time is right to lay claim to Southeastern Russia.

  6. Material-Ladder9387 on

    There is no money in the world that would get me to join those Russian inbreeds .. should have stayed in China

  7. MonsteraBigTits on

    did the chinese soldier text him in the afterlife saying he died getting out of the vlada

  8. If they engaged in combat with Ukrainians in Ukraine, then the Ukrainians have the right to self defence.

    That said, it may not have been the Ukrainians. The russians are known to treat their comrades badly. Just saying.

  9. triadwarfare on

    I’m from a country that suffered from Chinese agression from their reckless actions in the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea and the infiltration to our local politics like helping our former president Duterte win and turn our country 180° and adding plants like Alice Guo.

    I’d say fk them. Hopefully the rest of the PLA are easy to deal with just as they were. They’re experts at provocation, but not in actual battle.

  10. Testiculese on

    So Russian aggression has now killed people from…9 countries, is it?

  11. tangotango112 on

    Puppets gonna do do what puppets gonna do. Did CCP get any good Intel from these guys? Probably got wasted too fast before collecting anything useful.

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