Tochter und Sohn eines prominenten Gastwirts wegen gewaltsamer Körperverletzung im Hotel im County Limerick angeklagt [The Irish Times]

Von craic_den_


  1. That_Technician_439 on


    Mad what the Colombian marching powder can do to a person

  2. DivingSwallow on

    A 40 year old woman gouging the eyes and kicking the head of someone else and her 30 year old brother bouncing heads off the bar. Pathetically sad.

  3. Fluffy-Republic8610 on

    Wow, I hear the word “disgraceful” a lot and think it’s overused, but this really is it.

  4. Jester-252 on

    Think they’ll pull into their pubs in Adare for a cheeky pint on their way home?

  5. uthredswife on

    Imagine having every single advantage in life handed to you on a plate and still ending up a total and utter fucking scumbag. Some of us live an entire life without ever biting someones face

  6. DesignerPotential606 on

    She’s 40 and from a nice area with 3 kids. She biting people’s faces and kicking them in the head. The two of them must have been on the marching powder.

  7. craic_den_ on

    Highly recommend doing some digging on the Chawke family. Two privileged South Dublin rich kids with an ultra wealthy, ultra powerful father, who also sounds like a bit of a gangster

  8. Allegedly eye gouging someone, kicking them in the head, biting someone and flinging pint glasses at them and everyone else around is some genuinely wild stuff.

    I’ll have some of what she had. Would love to see the CCTV, why did nobody stop her?!

    And then the brother getting involved too. If they’re found guilty I hope they’re sent down. Me and you and the average “scumbag” would be. Let’s see if she gets away with it.

  9. Available-Lemon9075 on

    Jesus, sound like total mentallers 

    Hopefully they’re rightly done for it

  10. Any_Comparison_3716 on

    **CHARLIE** “*if there’s something slightly dodge I’m somehow involved*” **CHAWKE**

    Read “Prominant Publican” as the urbane version of “known to the Gardai”

  11. weirdpastanoki on

    If this is first offence then they’re should be no expectation of them doing time. But i presume they’ll have a criminal record, does that impact foreign travel e.g. USA?

  12. No_Childhood_3802 on

    This Charlie Chawke fella has been mentioned on the news regularly throughout my life. Who is he?

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