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Discussion Thread: 2024 Vice Presidential Debate Between Senator J.D. Vance and Governor Tim Walz, Part 2
byu/PoliticsModeratorBot inpolitics


  1. OkMagazine1265 on

    Why are they going so hard with this stupid Hong Kong question? It’s completely irrelevant. The other party’s nominee called migrants “vermin.”

  2. WilsonWilsonJr on

    Republicans better not bitch about about this being a liberal cbs because a question to waltz about if he’s been to China on a specific month 30 years ago.

  3. meteoric_vestibule on

    I don’t really understand why this is a gotcha for Walz. He went to China two months after he said he did nearly 35 years ago. Who cares?

  4. TheDarkChambers98 on

    What a dumb question. I don’t care if he was in China in June or fucking August. It doesn’t matter.

  5. ZacZupAttack on

    They had to go back 30 yrs to find some dirt on Walz and it’s minor.

    They go back 4 to find dirt on JD and it’s good

  6. I used to hate Hitler till the Nazi party decided to make me the 2nd in command. – Vance

  7. deadletter on

    Ugh, he should have just said, “Tiananmen Square was more than simply June 5th, 1989. It lasted for months and months, and was a huge democratic effort. I arrived around August of that summer, and the slaughter was fresh in everyone’s minds, and the reaction was in full swing.”

  8. Infraready on

    I get this is the “explain this lie you told” section of the debate, but the difference in stakes between “I got the month wrong on a trip to China” and “I called my running mate America’s Hitler” is just insane

  9. GawkerRefugee on

    GREAT line by Walz: “This is about basic human rights and healthcare. We trust women, we trust doctors.”

  10. Excellent point, Walz – geography shouldn’t restrict an American’s healthcare

  11. Individual rights should not be decided on geography. Excellent answer.

  12. RawCyderRun on

    “It’s wrong and it was fact-checked at the last debate.” – Walz


  13. “Should a Catholic hospital be forced to perform an abortion?”

    Yes. Doctors have a strict code of ethics. Your religion should not supersede the well-being of a patient

  14. MattTheSmithers on

    “Women don’t trust us. We need to win it back. By showing women that being pregnant is their natural state and we need to get them to have more babies. And here’s some lies about abortion.”

    — J.D. Vance

  15. I find it interesting how Walz addresses many of his responses. So many debates are black and white, one side versus the other and anything the other side says is crap. He straight up says at points, “I agree with this sentiment, I don’t agree with this method and this is why.” Or “I agree with your stance here, but your boss does not.” It comes across as far more reasonable than so many debaters.

    Also noticed Vance picking up on this after Walz did it a few times, which I found a little amusing.

  16. coltsmetsfan614 on

    Vance going with the ol’ “Explain how this thing I just made up isn’t true” approach

  17. I don’t know how anyone watching this can think that Walz is doing badly. I would hope that anyone could easily see that he’s a normal Everyman up there arguing with a proven liar and career slimeball.

  18. Walz obviously meant to say that he’s become friends with victims of school shooters. It was a minor, millisecond gaffe. I’m not worried about that in the slightest.

  19. IHaveSpecialEyes on

    The civility between Walz and Vance really draws into focus how unhinged Trump acted during *his* debate.

  20. Walz has given 100 examples of what he’s done for Minnesota — what is one thing Vance has done for Ohio?

  21. I relate to Walz. He was nervous, he made mistakes, he fought back and he excelled because he just started being himself. He’s not as polished. You can teach people to be better speakers but you can’t teach people to care and Walz cares.

  22. The_Mightiest_Duck on

    Not gonna lie, Walz kinda making me want to move to Minnesota.

  23. VariousAir on

    Lol “we already have laws in place to protect preexisting conditions”…..

    Yeah dipshit, that’s the fucking ACA!

  24. awkwardlythin on

    Unbelievable they talk about Trump saving the ACA.


    John Mccain saved that shit and Trump hated him for it.

  25. Subliminal_Kiddo on

    Walz isn’t polished, but his answers have substance. That’s part of why he’s talking so fast, he’s trying to hit every point. Vance’s answers are smooth but have no substance, he’s just tap dancing around the question and trying to rundown the clock.

  26. AnohtosAmerikanos on

    Vance is dangerous. He lies easily and says what you want to hear. His smooth answers will lead many to say that he won the debate, but he’s smooth and full of shit.

  27. Brilliant-Plane-6394 on

    TRUMP: “I have Concepts of a plan”….

    WALZ: “As a teacher and educator I wouldn’t accept that answer from my 4th grade students”….😂💀😂💀

  28. I’m noticing a pattern. Walz’s answers often explains how the system works. Vance’s answers just say Trump made thing better without really explaining how.

  29. AwesomeAsian on

    Tim Walz is making Minnesota seem like a great place to live in. Vance is making Ohio sound like it’s a shit hole run over by illegal immigrants.

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