CCTV-Aufnahmen einer iranischen ballistischen Rakete, die eine Straße in Tel Aviv, Israel, trifft

Von Nastyfaction


  1. I’m surprised at the lack of damage. Like, shouldn’t there be a larger blast? Looks like it made a hole on the side of the road and not much else

  2. Ulfstructor on

    Looking at the discussion here, I see two options here:

    Either what we see on video is mostly shrapnel and parts from shot down missiles. That would point to the effectiveness of the Israeli air and missile defence system. Which would not be that suprising, as Israel probably has the most air and missile defence per citizen.

    The other option is that these missiles are not that impressive. Sure, they look great impacting s o m e t h i n g — at distance, at night. But up close and with a bit of light, they honestly are not that big of a boom.
    Precision is key. Even hitting “a military base” or air base is mostly pointless like this, as you most likely will just churn up Sgt. Majors grass, maybe take out a road or Pvt. Joes new car (RIP).
    Sure, if you hit something important, it will go down, but you have to actually hit it. The base does not have hit points you strip away with every hit somewhere inside the fence.
    For comparison, look at the recent Ukranian strikes on munitions depots. Sure, the images of flattened bunkers were impressive, but more interesting were those still standing. Many of them had a single hole in the roof. (My guess they were most likely mostly empty and thus did not explode like the others.) Precision is key, and the big question is if the Iranians have that capability.
    Western systems and militaries are not impressive because of firepower, but because of precision.

  3. bennokitty on

    I hope it’s worth it, I have a feeling the response will do more than hit trees and roads

  4. ComplicatedPoops on

    That’s it? There’s no payload. These things are weak as shit.

  5. Technical-Fennel-287 on

    What people don’t realize when they watch the zoomed out footage is that these slowly moving orange orbs are actually going multiples of the speed of sound. As they re-enter the atmosphere or just descend on their ballistic path they increase in speed and are actually landing at speeds greater than a rifle round.

  6. That explosion seems small even for just a kinetic blast from a ballistic missile. This looks more like a smaller interceptor missile hitting ground. Or some smaller weapon meant to penetrate bunkers. But what do i know.

  7. MajorTechnology8827 on

    It has no exhaust. This is a flying debris of an intercepted missile. Basically just the exploded body flying at mach speed

    They are still dangerous, but their payload and guiding system was destroyed midair

  8. Special_marshmallow on

    Those are fragments. Almost all missiles were intercepted, but the fragments still fall at very high speed. Hence the lack of explosion

  9. Aggressive_West_2386 on

    A lot of these missiles were intercepted, but the speed at which they were travelling meant they still hit the ground at great pace.

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