Eine iranische Rakete schlägt heute Abend in Zentralisrael ein

Von GnolRevilo


  1. Hawtdawgz_4 on

    Looks like it’s disabled already. Explosion looks way too small being that close.

  2. scallywag1889 on

    It’s wild that these morons think there won’t be a 100 fold retaliation. They signed their own death warrant.

  3. winkingchef on

    That is the most controlled and safe taxi driver in all of Israel!

  4. JadedTable924 on

    one of my biggest worries is dying by an avoidable cause… and this situation is a literal nightmare.

    Do you stop next to an impact site? or do you drive away from it to get out of the area?

  5. AndAStoryAppears on

    Off topic, but notice how there are no secondary explosions?

    That is because, unlike the Israeli strikes in Gaza and Lebanon, there are no munitions stored there.

  6. barukatang on

    alright, seen the clusters aimed at the airbase or whatnot. wonder if this is within the cep or if this was targeted for that spot or if it had some failure and knocked it off course

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