Aufnahmen, die den Moment eines möglichen Einschlags einer Fattah-1-Rakete in Israel mit sehr hoher Geschwindigkeit zeigen

Von Technical_Soil4193


  1. How much does peppering this airfield impact Israel’s reliance on the US for air support?

    Iran changing the dynamic once again.

  2. nickygee123 on

    Hey, I don’t know much about this topic, but doesn’t Isreal have the Iron Dome? Seems like it does a good job at stopping rockets from Palestine, how come it couldn’t stop Iran’s BMs? Is Iron Dome not operational in this area?

    Again, I don’t know much about this topic. I’m trying to wrap my head around it.

  3. HIVnotAdeathSentence on

    It is pretty weird how many are downplaying these strikes, saying they’re small or there are no Israeli casualties.

  4. I already those those mass rockets must had been fast. This doesn’t prepeare you for an actual super sonic missile. Like someone’s used an irl cheat code for extra speed.

  5. HighDefinist on

    Yeah, judging by the distance (speed of sound) of roughly 500m, yet it moving so fast within the camera frame, those missiles do indeed move at roughly mach 5.

  6. ollyprice87 on

    Why is everyone on the news saying the attack has failed. Clearly hasn’t.

  7. Yerushalmii on

    Loose Translation based on my shitty Arabic:

  8. xXDelta33Xx on

    Why is there what looks like fire on the front of the missile? Was this one intercepted before?

  9. Mac_Drizza on

    So is the all out war now? Iran has been saying they will do something since Israel assassinated their boy. And now that Israel just started their fight in the north. So it seems like the perfect time to kick things off.

  10. Prestigious_Alarm500 on

    Israel got what they wanted, they’ve been escalating for weeks and all but begging Iran to respond.

  11. Fattah 1 has a speed of Mach 13-15. That’s about seven times faster than a bullet fired from an AK-47. I don’t know what hit the ground in this video, but it was not a Fattah 1. It is traveling far too slow.

  12. criticallycrucial on

    edit: if this is actually the fattah-1

    it’s prob going Mach 13-15
    around 10,000 MPH

  13. dustandechos12 on

    “very high speed”

    Wtf do you expect from a ballistic missile?

  14. spankeem_nz on

    I dont understand how it is okay for Israel to commit large scale genocide, copious war crimes, and one of the largest terrorist actions since 9/11 and the western government is siding with them. the UN is worthless.

  15. SereneTryptamine on

    This isn’t necessarily going any faster than the missiles in the background. It’s just closer to the camera.

    People need to chill. If this was some Iranian wunderwaffen, it doesn’t seem to behave any different than an ordinary ballistic missile. Not to say those are anything to dismiss… they still reenter at hypersonic speed.

  16. Notfriendly123 on

    If I’m not mistaken this is the missile that made the crater outside Mossad HQ that was shown on the news 

  17. Gygax_the_Goat on

    Proper fucking scary times are here.

    Hang on and keep your head down.

  18. Ok_Science_682 on

    Thats 1 dangerous missike. They onky used a few of those , most were other ballistic missikes. they have over 500,000 of these

  19. Crazy part is… they have half a million of those stored all across Iran 😬

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