Auf den Straßen Irans bricht Jubel aus, als die IRGC den Raketenangriff auf Israel begrüßt


  1. Chutheman1 on

    and when Israel attacks back they will be crying online calling Israel the bad guys.

  2. macross1984 on

    I am sure many of them will stop smiling once Israel reciprocate with some surgical response to let Iran know Israel will not take it face down. 😛

  3. >Iran on Tuesday boasted of its great success in launching a huge missile strike against Israel, which sparked celebrations in parts of the Muslim world, even though the IDF said most of the projectiles were successfully intercepted.

    To my knowledge, the only one killed by this missile attack was a palastinian…

  4. Maximum_Overdrive on

    “Iran on Tuesday boasted of its great success in launching a huge missile strike against Israel” Yes, they successfully launched missiles.  Even North Korea can successfully launch missiles.  They weren’t very successful in causing damage except to their already shitty reputation in the region.

  5. Maximum_Mud_8393 on

    Soooo…they spent a bunch of money on rockets and killed 1 Palestinian and no Israelis, and now the US and Israel will destroy their military and sanction their shithole of an economy even more.

    Sounds like a great reason to celebrate.

    “We started a war by achieving no military success and now are going to get blown up and starved for it. In shalalallala!!”

    And it won’t be just Israel responding. The US explicitly warned Iran not to do this and at least 2 aircraft carriers are already in the area (they helped shoot down the rocket attack).

    Iran is about to have a bad week. I vote Arab Springs for everyone: Palestine, Lebanon, Iran – let’s tell the Muslim Brotherhood to go back to the dark ages from whence they came.

  6. StealthCuttlefish on

    To those celebrating the missile attack.

    Enjoy it while it lasts, because it won’t last for very long.

  7. heytherefriendman on

    I feel bad for the average Iranian who doesn’t support their government or support attacking Israel.

  8. GiddyQuagmire on

    Didn’t this whole event just further expose them as incompetent?

  9. StatisticianFair930 on

    Iran celebrates whilst 4,000 Hizbollah’s become celibate. 

  10. 69bearslayer69 on

    how big support does iranian government actually have? reading posts online often paints them as hugely unpopular and then theres this…

  11. mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on

    Fired off 1/20th of their total ballistic missile supply and didn’t do shit except make a couple holes in the dirt. Woof.

  12. Not_Cleaver on

    Those mostly look like men. I’m calling on more than half of them being IRGC members/officers and members of the security forces.

    I still recall when you could watch streams featuring fireworks being launched in Iran after the president’s helicopter crashed into a mountain.

  13. Raj_ryder_666 on

    And when the bombs start dropping on tehran, itll be the same mullahs who will hide under the hijabs of their women and claim that israel is committing war crimes. Fuck that. Its high time that terrorist proxy groups and their partners (ayatollahs of iran) are dispatched to their 72 virgins.

  14. Odd-Satisfaction-659 on

    Don’t worry Iran : all those college idiots will riot to support you

  15. MapleHamwich on

    There is a uniformity to that crowd. A certain socioeconomic group is represented.

  16. Ridicutarded-73 on

    It sounds like the only death was some poor Palestinian who was crushed by a rocket stage that landed on him.

  17. SoggyNegotiation7412 on

    Everything is all great and dandy until you are burying your children the next day, starting a war with a very powerful foe is nothing to be celebrated.

  18. I feel bad for how unaware they all are. Reminds me of the celebrations on Oct 8 and sept 12

    How can you not know what’s coming

  19. Israel after successfully infiltrating and sabotaging thousands of enemy communications devices:

    Iran after launching thousands of missiles and only killing a Palestinian and a few of their own: IRAN #1 NO ONE CAN STOP IRAN!!!!

  20. tonkatsu2008 on

    I think it’s great that they took pictures of those who are celebrating. Now, the West can deny their asylum requests if they attempt to flee Iran.

  21. Normal Iranians hate the regime, people in this picture are a small minority who are well connected to the regime.

    An average Iranian has no problems with Israel or the US. In fact most Iranians would leave Iran permanently given the opportunity.

    Iran is unfortunately occupied by the regime of Khamenei, and people are paying the price of his idiotic decisions.

    Source: I was born and raised in Iran.

  22. AVeryBadMon on

    These are government plants, they do NOT represent the people of Iran.

    It is well known and very well documented that the Iranian theocracy and their proxies literally pay people to either protest or celebrate like this. None of this is organic.

    People have to understand that nobody in the world hate the Iranian theocracy more than the Iranians themselves.

  23. AmonDiexJr on

    Maybe not a good a idea, just saying. Whatever you think should be very low key, whatever the side you’re on. A lot of people are about to die. Don’t be that person we see celebrating today and crying tomorrow because you’re neighborhood got plastered.

    If you’re in range of this conflict, flee.

  24. It sparked celebrations in Iran? … smh … Iran has a shit economy with 50% inflation and going around tossing around ballistic missiles!? Prioritizing WAR over their own citizens

  25. The US has said that it will not reign in Israel on this attack, so Iran may be getting a painful lesson soon.

  26. Dark-Cloud666 on

    Look these idiots are celebrating their failure against the worlds most advanced anti air system. So how about Israel launches a attack of the same magnitude against Iran? Ya know just to give them a idea who they are trying to mess with.

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