Die Liberalen lehnen offenbar eine zentrale Forderung des Blocks nach Sozialleistungen für Senioren ab, was zu noch mehr Instabilität im Parlament führt



  1. Feedmepi314 on

    I guess the NDP will decide if we have a fall election

    I also have to wonder if current polling windfall will factor into that decision

  2. Professional-Cry8310 on

    We’ll see for sure, but it doesn’t surprise if it’s really off the table. Raising OAS further goes against their whole “generational fairness” idea they’ve been pushing. The bloc’s demands put them between a rock and a hard place.

  3. Agreeable_Umpire5728 on

    I really have to hand it to the Bloc on this one, they picked an excellent wedge issue. I doubt the NDP bite though given their financial state, but we’ll see.

  4. Minor-inconvience on

    This will put Singh in the hot seat. I bet he was gambling the Bloc would prop up Trudeau up. Singh thought he would get to “rip up the agreement” and still avoid an election. If the bloc votes non confidence Singh would be left claiming no confidence while propping up the liberals. Any credibility he has left will be gone.

  5. Hot-Percentage4836 on

    The >60 years old seniors, and boomers, is the part of the population which would vote LPC in the biggest proportion, according to numerous polls. Younger people without pensions, and having a hard time with housing, are very angry at Trudeau.

    This motion directly concerns one of the last groups the Liberals can count on, the seniors and boomers. As the chances of the Bloc becoming official opposition increase, and as the Bloc targets many LPC seats which could flip like *Lasalle-Émard-Verdun* in Québec, what will the Liberals do?

    Will they go against the «separatists», or will they try to make sure not to lose the most important support they have left (they have so little left)?

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