„Spy on Me“: TikTok-Nutzer machen sich keine Sorgen, dass China an ihre Daten kommt



  1. Every other piece of tech we as Americans own is spying on us. Who really cares about another app potentially doing the same?

  2. absentmindedjwc on

    It’s not China getting my data I’m concerned about… it’s China curating content for me. Just look at your crazy uncle that got hard-core sucked into Fox News. If you hear the same shit over and over again, you begin to believe it.

  3. Hi_Im_Dadbot on

    There is something to the notion of why you should give a shit that you’re getting spied upon and having your data collected by Evil Entity H instead of Evil Entity D? It’s not like Bezos or Musk has anybody’s better interests in mind more than Xi does. There are no good actors involved.

  4. CondiMesmer on

    Clearly it’s the US companies who are the most upset, since someone else is scooping up that precious data to harvest.

  5. paradoxinfinity on

    Damn, by the looks of these comments, China has really been putting in the work to influence yall. You all hate all American institutions and are apathetic to China’s collecting your personal info.

  6. meanwhile facebook are collecting all my website data and throwing targeted ad’s at me left right and centre but that’s apparently ok.

  7. China pushes their agenda on Tiktok to influence elections. To help Democrat or Republicans, I have no idea. The left said Tiktok is pro Republican(exhibit being Candance Owens and Tucker Carlson’s huge following on Tiktok) and the right said it’s pro Democrat(no exhibit needed here). Who the hell knows. But one thing for sure is, it’s not doing anything that Twitter, Facebook and other partisan media is not already doing. They are all influencing elections in a way that benefit their agendas.

  8. The danger of being spied over the Internet is not obvious (besides passwords) 

    Also the consequences are not immediate. It’s hard to understand.

  9. thingandstuff on

    I don’t care about that either. I care about the actual reason why they are a national security threat…

  10. brainrotbro on

    It’s the government that’s concerned because it gives China a chance to influence the more gullible of us.

  11. Tiktok hit piece #23785 brought to you by /r/technology. Missed it? Don’t worry they’ll have another one for you in an hour

  12. saltlakecity_sosweet on

    I mean, it’s not like everyone doesn’t have our data already.

  13. MelodiesOfLife6 on

    i mean most if not all tiktok users are pretty braindead from all the brainrot so … i’m not shocked.

  14. Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple have been getting you data for decades and sell it to the highest bidder. Why is is so different or concerning if Chinese companies get it? Not like the US companies can be trusted with it anyway

  15. ACrucialTech on

    It’s like a drug addict. They do what they can to get their fix, no matter the fall out. It tracks.

  16. Sudden-Level-7771 on

    American billionaires have way more sway over American laws than China does.

  17. throwaway92715 on

    Great, so basically, most users don’t know how any of this works, they don’t know how much power that could really give someone over what they think and do, they don’t know how dangerous the Chinese government’s influence could really be, and they’re confidently, proudly putting their feet down, saying, I’m not worried. Go right ahead!

  18. Facebook and Twitter have been found to manipulate content towards political bias – so let’s ban TikTok that hasn’t been found to do this (up to this point)

  19. she_russian_im_bustn on

    Why would I be concerned with China having my bank account information?

  20. VagueSomething on

    The problem is it isn’t just your data. It is the data of those around you and of your contacts. And then they use your data against you.

  21. Sugarfiltration01 on

    Funk off china trolls, you will die enslaved to Winnie the Pooh.

  22. n-butyraldehyde on

    “But domestic is just as bad therefore I don’t care”

    Nice job falling into the exact propaganda trap that benefits China the most, guys.

    We’re fucked.

  23. That’s because the average Tik-Toker is 9 and doesn’t know better.

  24. Who cares if the Chinese have data on a bunch of really stupid videos?


    ITT: people laughing at these TikTok users while using Reddit🙄

    You’re all ok with social media spying on you, it’s literally part of the deal.

  26. “Spy on me” say manipulated teenagers after consuming brain rotting amounts of content from the app they’re willing to sacrifice their privacy for.

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