„Kriegserklärung“: Israelische Führer reagieren auf massiven iranischen Angriff



  1. StatisticianFair930 on

    Iran, are, fully gonna get their shit pushed in.  

    Ala, Training Day style. Shite or no shite. 

  2. Thandoscovia on

    Absolutely. This is the second large scale missile attack on Israel by Iran this year. No other country would tolerate such an alert to their sovereignty and security

  3. frankly, israel shouldn’t even bother firing back at iran right now. stay focused on decimating their axis of goofballs, and let the west sanction them into oblivion. go back and bomb what’s left of the islamic regime a year or two from now

  4. Numerous-Ad6460 on

    Guys ww3 isn’t going to start over fucking Iran, calm down

  5. YugoChavez317 on

    Iran overplayed their hand in this. They most likely thought Israel would interpret this as the face saving response it was meant to be, but Bibi is riding high on approval ratings from the latest assassinations and needs to keep things going over there at all cost.

  6. Today two Indian ships arrived in Iran’s Port City of Bandar Abbas, then they fired their missles. Bandar Abbas is the weakest point in Iran, if it gets bombed they are screwed and a priority target for Israel to send a heavy response. Hope India realizes what they are doing.

  7. I’m confused by the part where they are advised not to be hasty. How long after Pearl harbor did it take us to go to war? How long after 9/11 did it take america to send troops? They were fired on by another nation, if they want to go to war I am saddened that it is happening but I understand the people’s anger. I wish it wasn’t happening at all, but that is something that I do not see a way they can leave unresolved.

  8. Special_marshmallow on

    Just like the weather. Sometimes it’s sunni, and sometimes it’s shite.

  9. Nonamanadus on

    This is a great excuse to take out Iran’s nuclear bomb program.

  10. RGoinToBScaredByMe on

    Middle East trying to not go to war every 5 years:

    Apart from shits and giggles, this is bad for everyone. I hope that muslim countries can finally stop attacking israel

  11. Wa-da-ta-mybaby-te on

    So can we admit this never had anything to do with “occupied palestine” yet?

  12. rossww2199 on

    Bibi warned Iran not to attack at the UN. I think we can be certain that there will be cries of “not proportional” fairly soon.

  13. AccomplishedCommon34 on

    Guys, calm down. We call a regional escalation “World War” only if it starts in Europe.

  14. vossmanspal on

    Israel won’t miss like Iran did, that’s for sure. Sweating time is now for Iranian leaders, free the people.

  15. Much-Cream7178 on

    Israel has successfully reframed the narrative as Israel vs Iran, which is globally a lot more palatable than Israel vs Gaza (I’m aware that they were fighting Hamas, not the people of Gaza, but they were losing that narrative on the global stage.)

  16. StrongFaithlessness5 on

    Technically it is a declaration of war. Iran has attacked Israel and it wasn’t an attack from a group of mercenaries/terrorists etc.

  17. The_mingthing on

    Iran has been in active war with israel trough Proxies for years. Hamas and Hizbolla does not represent the locals, they represent Iranian and others interest and uses the local population as colateral.

  18. unwaveredwarble on

    No more hiding behind a proxy then.

    Wiping out Iran’s current regime might bring back the true progressive nature of the average Iranian.

    This is also an excellent opportunity for Iranians to take action, and throw off the yoke of their religious nuts.

  19. Lumpy_Dependent_3830 on

    Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Iran made a big mistake tonight – and it will pay for it. The regime in Iran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and our determination to retaliate against our enemies.”

  20. Israel should “ensure that an attack against Iran **should be coordinated with the Americans** and regional forces in order for the response to be decisive, precise, and effective,” Golan said.

    I.e. *It’s a declaration of war that we hope the US will respond to by escalating to deescalate*.

  21. miketangoalpha on

    Change the players on this to the United States and Mexico. Mexican irregular infantry crosses into Texas and bordering states killing and kidnapping in excess of 2,000 Americans how long until Mexico ceases to exist as a Geographical fixture on maps let alone a political entity.

    The scale of people asking for ceasefires and de-escalation for a country that is fighting for its existence boggles the mind

  22. urbanlife78 on

    Can we just let Israel and Iran fight it out since this is what both governments want

  23. Guilty-Top-7 on

    Taking out oil fields and gov buildings in Iran will just have them retaliate. The best way to handle it is to cripple their entire electrical grid. Just that one thing. Without power all their factories go offline, so do all their radar and comms. Without power the whole country comes to a standstill.

  24. tonkatsu2008 on

    Now is the perfect time to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities. If the Iranian government has no qualms about firing large numbers of missiles at Israel, they would have no issue with lobbing a couple of nukes at Israel once they have the capability. As a bonus, Israel should also take out the shahed drone factories that Iran is supplying Russia with.

  25. Meany12345 on

    Well done Iran. You have finally taken the bait, like they wanted you to, and now they get to take out your nuclear program.

    And you can’t really do anything about it because they are technologically superior to you and that’s just something you have to accept.


  26. No-Entrepreneur-7496 on

    If only the Ayatollah regime ended, the world would immediately witness the change for good.

  27. Decapitate Hezbollah, and supposedly unrelated Iran launches missiles because Hezbollah *isnotaproxygroup?*

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