Autohändler erneuern ihren Widerstand gegen die Vorschriften für Elektrofahrzeuge


  1. chillywanton on

    Setting aside service, in the bigger picture, do we need middlemen in this day and age? Showrooms and sample cars to drive, yes. Car manufactorers can have people manage these outlets. But why are we still dealing with sales people and all of the pitfalls of the deal? We should be able to fully order online what we want at a set price (not suggested, not marked up at will) at some point. No?

    ^((I know I’m going to get grief for this.))

  2. limitless__ on

    Of course they oppose it, moving to EV will mean a move to a dealer-free experience so the entire industry will collapse. Car dealers are one of the biggest GOP lobbyist groups, they are powerful.

  3. Independent_Ad_2073 on

    Fuck car dealers. That’s my thesis. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

  4. Dealers dislike EVs because of the loss of income with them needing little to no maintenance. We have 64k miles on our Ioniq 5 and I’ve spent under $100 in maintenance on it. It’s only been back to a dealer 3 time all for software updates. Plus 1 set of tires from Walmart at 53k miles.

  5. Car dealers the biggest donors to the GOP. Donors reflect parties. There’s a reason why GOP is filled with corruption, scammers, and criminals. Direct auto sales are a much bigger threat to the right wing than anything else

  6. JerryLeeDog on

    Tesla has proven to us that car dealers will eventually be a thing of the past, and thank god, because they are no more than a bunch of leech middlemen.

    That said, mandates are dumb; BEVs will flourish in a free market as it is, they are just far better cars vs gas unless you tow long distances every day.

  7. HamptonMarketing on

    There is zero percent chance that EV’s are the majority of cars sold anytime in the next 30 years.

  8. RantCasey-42 on

    Shouldn’t the dealer be explaining what is need, pros/cons.. Oh yeah, dealers din’t know squat about ICE vehicles, much less EV’s

  9. Dealerships do not want electric cars because their business model depends on the ‘subscription’ income of regular service appointments. Electric cars promise to cut those service appointments down to almost nothing.

    As a result, dealerships have practiced anti-selling of electric cars with endless examples of salesmen completely ignorant of EVs, or worse pulling out all the stops to discourage enthusiastic EV seeking customers from buying an EV and into a gas car.

    If dealerships don’t want to get on board, then they can go in the dustbin of history.

  10. Why are we paying Middlemen Market Adjustments? All we need to pay for is the fees and taxes. Why am I paying for Premium carpets when they come standard?

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