Eine vom Iran auf Israel abgefeuerte Rakete stürzt auf einer Straße in Jordanien ab und versetzt die Einheimischen in Angst und Schrecken



  1. Hopefully those locals are okay.

    Jordan is in the unenviable position of being caught in the middle of this. I doubt those missiles were intended to hit Jordan (though it seems some did hit Jordan all the same), and I don’t know if Jordan made any attempt to intercept missiles heading for Israel, but they did shoot down Iranian drones in Iran’s previous strike on Israel back in April: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/jordans-air-defence-ready-shoot-down-any-iranian-aircraft-that-violate-its-2024-04-13/

  2. Haunting-Donut-7783 on

    Also the only casualty from this missile attack on Israel from Iran was a Palestinian man in the West Bank… nice job Iran!

  3. Help_Stuck_In_Here on

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Iran ends up killing more Arabs than Jews during the attack.

  4. copperblood on

    It’s only an outrage when an Iranian missile lands in another country besides Israel. When Iran bombs Israel it’s normalized, regardless if Israel intercepts the missile or not.

  5. Voldemort_Palin2016 on

    But for some reason the woke protestors won’t protest these missiles hitting civilians. Because……. well they just don’t want to. 

  6. Mr_Piddles on

    So am I too American to understand how a missile could misfire/go this far off course?

  7. Mikebones1184 on

    Not a great look for the Iranian military. Fired 103 rockets and 99% of them didn’t land where they were aimed.

  8. SheetFarter on

    So when do we start seeing all the protestors from the US show their support for Iran. I might start doing drugs after that.

  9. Most people of Jordan will still find some Israeli conspiracy behind this.

  10. espngenius on

    I’m a bit surprised Iran hasn’t shot down a commercial airliner yet.

  11. Well, if Iran wanted to de-escalate while still pretending to do something, that’s how you’d do it.

  12. -Iran makes Hamas attack Israel without provocation

    -Iran makes Hezbollah attack Israel without provocation

    -Iran attacks Israel without provocation twice now.

    It’s like they’re begging for the US to support Israel more directly. The anti-Israeli voices in the west just got quieter again.

    Another huge gift for Israeli support abroad, another perfect demonstration of why Israel has to keep fighting. Iran once again has nothing to show for it. Another reminder for the Arab world who is perpetrating all of this chaos. Their biggest deterrent against an Israeli response (Hezb) just got neutered too.

    Basically an open invitation for Israel to destroy their nuclear facilities. The Ayatollah remains a master strategist

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