Diese Flugverkehrskarte verrät Ihnen alles, was Sie über die heutige Krise im Nahen Osten wissen müssen

Von morteza120


  1. michaelquinlan on

    It tells me some of the areas of the world to avoid traveling to, but I already knew that. What else does it tell me?

  2. Gilchester on

    It actually doesn’t, because I don’t know what the baseline rate of flying over that area is.

  3. whatbankroll on

    This literally tells me nothing at all at a glance. Make it beautiful by making it easier for the reader to quickly understand your point.

  4. Thundorium on

    Alright then, what is the name of the Israeli prime minister? You may only use information shown on the map.

  5. Inutilisable on

    I actually don’t need to know anything about this part of the world, and this delivers. Thanks!

  6. It tells you nothing without a comparison to how it was at the same time of day before.

    So everything I need to know is that nothing is happening, whatever’s going on is unimportant, and it’s not even worth OP putting any effort into other than a crappy screenshot of Flight Radar 24.

  7. This image has no reference. Why should this offer any insight about a difference from baseline? We know about the Israel-Iran missile strikes. But what is to say that this image wasn’t like this three days ago? Your data presentation needs to offer all the information needed to understand the key takeaways. This one is missing the main piece.

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