Ubisoft-Mitarbeiter werden wegen der Rückkehr ins Amt zum Streik aufgefordert: Warum CEOs ihre Arbeit verdoppeln



  1. chillywanton on

    It’s hilarious that “Real Estate Investments” is the last possibility in the article.

    I’d say it’s the first possible reason for those corporations or businesses who have not been able to dump properties or renegotiate leases.

  2. gamesexposed on

    “The push for office returns may also reflect a resistance to long-term change, particularly among older executives. CEOs who have spent their entire careers in traditional office settings may find it challenging to adapt to new work models.”

    Nailed it, oldest generation executives unable to adapt to changing environments. WFH has proven to increase efficiency and employee satisfaction in their roles during COVID (not to mention record company profits as a result), but piss on that apparently. They’d rather go back to the dinosaur system and to pad their real estate investments. I hope that all of the companies pushing RTO lose all of their best talent and profits to companies that can keep up with the times.

  3. Elevator-Fun on

    The ceo’s want you to do your unpaid overtime back in the stress nest of the sardine can office rather then from the sanity of your own home. They want things back to the way they were, only benefiting them while they drain their workers of their life force.

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