„In der Krise“: Hotel- und Gastgewerbe „zutiefst besorgt“ über die Entscheidung, den Mehrwertsteuersatz bei 13,5 % zu belassen


Von miju-irl


  1. Personally, I am very happy the government didn’t bow to the lobbying from vintners and resteraunt lobby groups.

    They are absolutely gouging prices at this point

  2. Diddums.

    They would never have passed on the reduction to us punters anyway.

  3. PhilosopherSea1850 on

    They got their reduction during covid and gleefully kept it to them fucking selves.

  4. External-Chemical-71 on

    Delighted for them. We actually need to learn to let failed businesses fall on their arse and stop using taxpayers money to prop them up.

  5. No-Negotiation2922 on

    Even if it was reduced to 9% there would be no reduction for the customer and then places would still put up their prices on any sight of an increase from their suppliers.

  6. They should reduce vat rates for single restaurants but not ones with pubs or hotels attached. Small family and small size restaurants are struggling at the mo

  7. Jean_Rasczak on

    They are robbing people blind at the moment, they will get no support from the majority of the public on this so why should the government

  8. marquess_rostrevor on

    I’m “gravely concerned” at the prices being charged versus the quality on offer.

  9. ghostofgralton on

    Never a peep from them about rents…wonder how many of them are landlords/benefit from high rents?

    They squawk about stuff that benefits workers quick enough

  10. Glad the government didn’t give them what they wanted. They’ve been price gouging for years. .

  11. FullyStacked92 on

    I’d bet all the money in my pocket vs all the money in your pocket that if VAT was reduced to 9% prices would still increase a month for now.

    Hotels can get fucked as well, absolute robbery prices most of the time, 2 over a bank holiday weekend can set you back as much as the full cost for 3 night and flights to a city in europe with enough left over to cover dinner on night 1.

  12. Let them close and we can retrain the staff to build.houses or be guards!

  13. noelkettering on

    Fuck them they won’t pay their staff properly or treat them well they’ll have to just cope

  14. Envinyatar20 on

    I’m actually sorry for the decent restaurants out there that will struggle but, the hoteliers absolutely gouged the bejaysus out of the public post Covid and it would be politically dangerous for the govt to be seen to be rewarding them.

  15. Garlic-Cheese-Chips on

    Fuck. Off.

    Your shit service, your price gouging, your miserly servings, your constant cries of wanting more, more, more, more. Get fucked.

  16. Adrian Cummins whinging again, just as he did the whole way through Covid. I know it’s part of the job, but you’d swear every restaurant is owed success.

  17. The restaurant industry needs to bite the bullet and raise their prices to reflect the massive rise in their wage bills post covid, instead of cutting corners on quality to keep them down. The price of chefs wages have gone through the roof, since so many older chefs and some of the most competent, left the industry over the period of COVID. Instead they penny pinch on ingredient quality, and grind the chefs they do have into the ground, until they inevitably leave too. If we had sense we would realise that eating out is heading back towards a less frequent, more expensive event, as opposed to the daily thing it has become for some, but I fear we won’t, the industry will hit the wall and we will lose decent, viable restaurants, in addition to the raft of shit ones

  18. upthemstairs on

    Looking forward to their lobby group’s constant moaning for the next 6 months, then their vanishing act when anyone questions their ridiculous prices during the summer and whenever big events are on

  19. hufflswuffls on

    No. This is capitalism. Profits must be made. You can’t survive because your suppliers want to make more money? Tough shit. Everyone is happy to screw others when it suits. YOU were happy when it suited you.

  20. AliceInGainzz on

    Well it’s been a good 5 years since I’ve been to a café that I’ve been happy to pay for the food/drink I was served, so womp fucking womp.

    Anyone with the most basic of cooking skills will throw together something better at home and save a nice bit doing so.

  21. perrycoxdr on

    My local village has 4 independent coffee shops, 2 horsebox-type ones hanging on from covid attached to GAA club and GAA training ground plus a Costa, Dunnes cafe and Maccers. Not sustainable at all.

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