Zweiter Tag in Oslo – mache ich das richtig, was habe ich verpasst?

Von trustthebear


  1. IdahoAllAlong on

    You’ve got the ingredients right, but the composition is off. Normally the tomato mackerel goes on top of the bread like a generous sandwich spread. And boiled egg is commonly sliced and placed on the bread too, usually with mayo. Unless it’s eaten with a spoon from an egg cup. Is it your first time eating tomato mackerel? How was it?

  2. instablok22 on

    Is that makrell i tomat? Goes on your bread. Kavli kaviar in a thin later on another slice of bread, with the egg slices on top.

  3. Eurogal2023 on

    Have now to teach you the name of tomato mackerel amongst teens ages ago: “flykræsj” (fly means aeroplane) you probably can easily understand what that means, lol.

  4. shadowfeyling on

    This is like watching an alien trying to figure out our food. Like there is noting wrong with the ingredients, the presentation is just slightly off and the combination is just a bit unusual. Again nothing wrong with any of it and it’s lovely that you are willing to try. But it did give me a chuckle

  5. KungFuuHustle69 on

    If its not meierismør or bremykt I’m out.. if not, id add some brown cheese or eggerøre and røkelaks with some surdeig brød🤌 and try klippfisk! Magnificent!

    Great, now i want to make you breakfast, where are you at tomorrow? Lol

  6. Gusto_with_bravado on

    What is this?
    How can you eat this!
    This, this is too damn healthy.

    Thank god I live in America (sarcastically saying🙃)

  7. Mudassar40 on

    No you never use butter with makrell i tomat, ever!

    My aunt used to do that, and I hated it!

  8. Pepper on that maquarell. And slices of cucumber. Eat fresh from the box. Don’t save in fridge, eat everything! Eat hesteskiver of bread. Best made with that old knife and straight out of bed. Drink kefir. Add tiny bit sugar. Finish with coffee.

  9. Hawkhill_no on

    I don’t use butter, but that’s a choice, but I can’t eat mackerel without lots of mayonnaise.

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