Kühle, helle Dächer hätten die Durchschnittstemperaturen in London im Jahr 2018 um 0,8 °C senken und möglicherweise 249 der 786 hitzebedingten Todesfälle (32 %) verhindern können.



  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >The researchers found that had cool, light-coloured roofs been widely installed throughout London, it could have cooled the city by about 0.8 degrees C on average, preventing the heat-related deaths of an estimated 249 people – equating to around 32% of the 786 heat-related deaths during that period.
    >In the same paper, the researchers also found that had rooftop photovoltaic solar panels been similarly widely adopted, they would also have cooled the city by about 0.3 degrees C. This would have prevented the deaths of an estimated 96 people across the city, or 12% of the heat-related deaths during that summer.

    >The team also estimated the economic impact of the increased mortality rates of the two scenarios. The 96 lives saved by the adoption of rooftop solar panels would have reduced the economic burden on the city by about £237 million, while the 249 lives saved by adopting cool roofs would have reduced the city’s economic burden by about £615 million.
    >In addition, had rooftop solar panels been widely installed, the researchers estimate that the total electricity that could have been produced during that three-month timeframe would have been as much as 20 terawatt-hour (TWh), more than half the energy usage of London during the entire year of 2018

    Paper: [Modeled temperature, mortality impact and external benefits of cool roofs and rooftop photovoltaics in London | Nature Cities](https://www.nature.com/articles/s44284-024-00138-1)

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