Samen der Sicherheit: Chinas KI-gesteuerte Agrarrevolution


  1. ChinaTalkOfficial on

    China is racing to revolutionize its agriculture sector using cutting-edge AI and biotech. From developing “digital brains” to manage grain reserves to advancing crop genomics that rival US capabilities, Beijing is treating food security as a matter of national importance. But this tech-driven push raises questions, including:

    1. How will China’s focus on agricultural self-sufficiency impact global food markets?
    2. What are the geopolitical implications of treating seeds as the “chips of agriculture”?
    3. How might AI-driven crop modifications affect biodiversity and food safety?

    As China aims to become an agricultural superpower, what do you think the future of food production will look like globally?

  2. Hot_Individual5081 on

    yeah sure lets do AI everything 😀 oh god its such a gimmick

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