Bestätigt. Russland hat Wuhledar vollständig besetzt. Russische Einheiten der 36. Separaten Garde-Motorschützenbrigade hissten ihre Flagge über dem Stadtrat von Vuhledar. Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte haben sich nach Bohojawlenka nördlich von Wuhledar zurückgezogen.


  1. EthanIndigo on

    Victory for the commienazis! At a cost of only 10000 slaves. Wow

  2. Feeling_Battle_9114 on

    The front is rapidly collapsing in that area. Russia has been making decent gains now on a daily basis.

  3. FlagFootballSaint on

    In case somebody has missed it:

    Russia has been taking bit by bit along the frontline with no end in sight and Ukraine does not seem to have an answer – any answer

    There is no sugarcoating facts

  4. Marky_Merk on

    Sucks, but it was bound to happen eventually. Russia put a ridiculous amount of resources into taking this small city over the course of two years. Yes, it’s a victory for Russia, but a Pyrrhic one at best.

  5. observer_445 on

    without proper and timely aid, ukrainian defense will collapse, its just a matter of how long ukraine can hold.

  6. Finbulawinter on

    On the one hand, sad news.

    On the other hand, it costs the Russians an enormous amount of Slave soldiers and equipment.

  7. unwise_pom on

    At this stage, what was even the point of the Kursk business? Besides guaranteeing Syrskyi’s ass gets to hold the supreme commander chair for a few more months, that is. The eastern front is collapsing, and the AFU troops there only get shitty quality recruits and equipment; the problems most prevalent (disconnect between officer staff and troops) are only getting worse, and there is no amount of weapons or men that can solve that. As much as I hate to say it, this is heading straight for a complete loss of the Donbas and a subsequent ceasefire, one of the initial worst case scenarios in this war. Ukraine really lost the chance to get its shit together, and that infuriates me to no end.

  8. ShineReaper on

    I’m glad they managed to retreat out of Vuhledar, that is way more worth than that ruin of a city!

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