Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat gewarnt, dass die Situation auf dem Schlachtfeld gegen Russland „sehr, sehr schwierig“ sei, da Wladimir Putins Invasion in den dritten Herbst geht.

„Berichte über jeden unserer Frontsektoren, unsere Fähigkeiten, unsere zukünftigen Fähigkeiten und unsere spezifischen Aufgaben: Die Situation ist sehr, sehr schwierig“, sagte er in seiner abendlichen Videoansprache.

„Alles, was in diesem Herbst getan werden kann, alles, was wir erreichen können, muss erreicht werden“, sagte er.

Russland verstärkt seine Rekrutierung von Militärangehörigen, bevor sich die Bodenbedingungen mit dem Einbruch des Winters verschlechtern, und ordnet die Einberufung von 133.000 neuen Soldaten in einer Herbst-Einberufungskampagne an, die heute beginnt.

Diese Zahl kommt zu den zusätzlichen 180.000 aktiven Militärangehörigen hinzu, die Putin letzten Monat im Rahmen einer Erweiterung der regulären russischen Armee angeordnet hat.

Unterdessen sagte der scheidende Nato-Chef Jens Stoltenberg, die Mitglieder des Bündnisses sollten sich nicht durch „rücksichtslose russische Nuklearrhetorik“ davon abhalten lassen, der Ukraine mehr Militärhilfe zu leisten.



  1. SoggyNegotiation7412 on

    By the end of this war all Russia will have is lots of male pensioners and some spoilt elite brats.

  2. Significant_Bus935 on

    Looking at the daily developments in the last weeks, the russians managed to steadily advance and creating operational successes which forced UA Out of some positions. This is new and hints too few UA soldiers and reserves at the front line. This situations will put a heavy toll in those few and thinning them out even further.

    What the West seems to ignore broader breakthroughs will happen eventually. Which – contrary to 2022 – Ukraine hasn’t resources to counter anymore. The situation as already out of balance.

    If Ukraine gets not game changer immediately this war will be over fast. Because the West won’t have time to react.

  3. InAb5entia on

    By *”very very difficult”* does it mean Ukraine is in serious risk of an imminent major russian breakthrough or worse? Feeling a little more depressed each day.

  4. IntoTheMurkyWaters on

    And the russian people still won’t question their lovely leader.
    Why is my father not coming back? Why is my husband not answering? Why is my son dressed in armor from WW2?

  5. roadrunner41 on

    According to this, russia is mobilising more that 250k people to go and fight.
    They’re almost out of able bodied prisoners. They’ve used up the able veterans and idealistic volunteers.
    Its a big risk – coming for the ordinary workers – surely the Russian people will start to ask questions?

  6. Ok-Piccolo-1961 on

    Mr. President Byron, please for God sake allow the Ukrainians to defend themselves with the long range missiles before is to late

  7. comanche_ua on

    133k in autumn draft are conscripts for regular service that is happening twice a year even during the peace time, these are not for war in Ukraine. Although undoubtedly some of them will sign a contract and go to war, but it will be nowhere near the total number of conscripts.

  8. Ok-Piccolo-1961 on

    Pinocchio is scared to dead, he hides like a true coward pees in his diaper like a girl and will run like every Russian when the fight gets to his door

  9. According_Walrus_869 on

    Russia could be one of the best countries in the world to live but Putinisation so sad for all the stolen Ukrainian children and all the mothers and wives.

  10. SavingsCategory6604 on

    Question: How good is it to increase the number of conscripts if you’re slowly running out of gear and basic supplies in the front line? Something does not match here. Thoughts?

  11. Excellent_Ad_2486 on

    I remember when I said, 2 years back, as a newb to war tactics, that UKR would have problems with the amount of Russian soldiers just coming to battle.. someone said “nah you’re stupid UKR has also millions of soldiers willing to fight” I wish I could find that person and show him this.

    Its not they don’t have any WILL TO FIGHT, It’s that they are DEAD or TIRED BEYOND BELIEF and SCARRED. PTSD has already hit so hard in UKR… It’s crazy we are still not fully supporting 🇺🇦

  12. Fickle-Walk9791 on

    It’s putins recipe for success. Inch forward, no matter how many men you lose. As long as they keep coming he doesn’t need tanks or artillery to gain ground. It helps, but it is enough to send some poor sods to detect where the Ukrainian positions are, another bunch of them to be sure and then a third group that is sober enough to try and get those positions. And no one in Russia seems to care that this is the best practice to win a war for Russian generals. Russia basically never left the mindset they had in world war 2. It’s war, so my family dies one after the other, what can you do.

  13. Spicy_Pickle_6 on

    Crazy world we live in where one guy decides the faith of so many lives for his own benefit.

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