SBB Phishing-Betrug!

    Von AnduriII


    1. Realistic_Neat2414 on

      Für wie guet z Mail usgseht isch t Gramatik zimlech schlächt 😅

    2. Entremeada on

      Well, if you fall for *this*, you deserve nothing less! Sorry, not sorry. Can’t we stop posting this nonsense here? It’s no use to anyone! Im getting dozends of scam and dishing mails every week – should I post them all?

    3. BloodStyxx on

      Why is this scam ?? (I don’t speak deutch)
      I received ths same email in french, and it redirect me to the swispass website, which auto-login me in my account and all and, because I want to renew my half-fare, I paid the CHF170…

    4. Any-Cause-374 on

      Hallo, zums Halbtax verlängere bruched mir dis Halbtax!!!!!! Lg SBB

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