Mark Carney ist ein Lackmustest

1 Comment

  1. Jaded_Promotion8806 on

    >As University of Ottawa professor Raywat Deonadan noted on social media, “we now have a political system in which only the worst people seek public office, while the best people are scared off by trolls and troglodytes.

    I don’t think they’re scared so much as smart enough to know they can do way better outside of politics.

    I’ve argued for a long time that we need to unclutch our collective pearls around elected official compensation and look to that as a mechanism to bring decent people back into public service.

    Triple MP base pay and pay them for a period of several years after leaving office where they cannot do business with anyone who does business with the federal government. I don’t know how many times we need to see it to realize the at they’ll get paid what they’re worth, it’s up to us to decide whether we want to foot the bill or whether we want corporate interests to. You’re probably looking at a $100M investment or 0.022% of federal tax revenue, $2.52 per person. Would be the best money we ever spent.

    In Ontario as of this year this lazy, entirely unambitious, Reddit-addicted, career-B student makes more money than sitting MPPs for doing a fraction of the work. This is where the system is broken.

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