Das russische Militär begann sich über Granatenmangel und Angriffe auf Munitionsdepots zu beschweren, nachdem die Ukraine russische Lagerhäuser angegriffen hatte. „Z-Blogger“ Yegor Guzenko („Thirteenth“) sagte, die russischen Soldaten würden immer noch zu Angriffen geschickt, bekamen aber nicht genügend Munition.



  1. CurtainManual on

    Is someone gonna tell him that ammunition the factories make goes to said exploding warehouses and depots?

  2. This is one Russian prick that deserves a visit from the Ukrainian SBU … Mossad style.

  3. Own_Box_5225 on

    I was wondering what the lag time was going to be between those massive ammo depot blasts and the front line ammo shortages. I doubt we will see a complete hard stop, but pressing the Russian MOD to distribute their shells into specific sections while keeping other sections lean, will definitely hurt. Also I did read that Russia never adopted pallets for their logistics, so the loss of the trains and their infrastructure at the depots that were hit, has to bite.

  4. TheOracle722 on

    “Thanks for the heads up. We’ll be hitting the factories next.” – Budanov

  5. SimpleMaintenance433 on

    This is a bit like when a 350 lb guy goes to an all you can eat buffet, eats enough food for 4 people, and then starts complaining that they ran out of chicken.

  6. eyydatsnice on

    Just give his location to the Ukrainians and ammo will be provided 😂

  7. General_WanG on

    It’s a Shoigu Gerasimov moment. Sounds like Pringles speaks from beyond the grave.

  8. It is great that the shortages are already appearing. Send in orc meat to the slaughter. Slava Ukraini.

  9. DunderFlippin on

    We should start reviewing Google Maps and try finding these ammo factories he’s talking about.

  10. Big-Custard4981 on

    The answer lies with the people in logistics. They ship the ammo to the ones bribing the best. Leaves some other meat to be grinded without spices.

  11. wellrateduser on

    Nice. Hope the drones find their way to the remaining depots. If there’s already a lack of shells, it can just be worse for glide bombs.

  12. Ok-Expression2154 on

    I do not see the Problem here? Is it not enough to give every second or third men in the human wave a rifle an the other one a Clip? 

  13. LocalNHBoy on

    Hopefully the ammo is going to Wolf to feed my old Romanian AK 😎✌️🤣

  14. That_Strength_6220 on

    Enemy at then gates vibes
    Officer #1: The one with the rifle shoots!
    Officer #2: One out of two gets rifle.
    Officer #1: The one without, follows him! When the one with the rifle gets killed, the one who is following picks up the rifle and shoots!

  15. EstablishmentCute703 on

    What is this guy thinking? That nobody else has noticed the shortage? And now that he points out shortage will be gone in a second? Your insight is invaluable, Yegor…

  16. Technical-Toe8446 on

    If ammo is low, then you need more men in the assaults. Don’t falter now, RuZZia, you are winning! Send in more men with less ammo and the day will be yours! Don’t listen to the naysayers about “ammo starvation”. This is Nato propaganda!

    If you really want to frighten the Ukrainians, have your brave RuZZian soldiers link arms and rush the Ukrainian positions! What could they do against such dedication?! Really, with enough vodka, anything is possible!!

  17. Prestigious-Tree-424 on

    Easy solution don’t put yourselves in harms way, go home stay home and kick putin out.

  18. TyrannosauRSX on

    Thank you for letting the Ukrainians know their successful attacks on your country’s ammo depots are being felt and that they should continue to target more of them ASAP. 👌

  19. Capital-Ad2469 on

    This meat-head obviously can’t grasp that if the ammo go boom! at the ammo dump then it’s not going to go boom! on the battlefield.

  20. That_Touch5280 on

    You are getting your collective arses kicked, been sold a dummy and blindly knocking on the door of the donbas, once you are flanked, you will have collectively lost most of your offensive capacity and are therefore open to exploitation by China, thats the endgame!

  21. what do the battles of the Crimean war, the battle of Stalingard and the latest orc assault on Vuhledar have in common?

    you got it: meat waves.

    ‘The man with the rifle shoots! The man without the rifle follows! If the man with the rifle is killed, the man without the rifle picks up the rifle and shoots!’ true in 1853…true in 1942…still true in 2024

    in the same time the russian ‘civilization’ went backwards one could say.

  22. Dramatic_Security9 on

    You think you’re going to be around long enough to fire 2 full magazines? Such optimism.

  23. Sigmeister1 on

    They can always go back to their glorious Russian heritage and tradition they love so much, like Stalingrad. One man gets a rifle, the other gets one bullet and then storm the front. Despite the losses it actually worked.

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