Wohnungsbau-Wohltätigkeitsorganisation will trotz 15-Millionen-Euro-Rettungspaket die volle staatliche Finanzierung, wie Ausgabenwächter herausgefunden haben


Von PoppedCork


  1. Just absorb the “charity” into the department of housing in that case. Make it a property of the government, fire the old directors.

  2. demonspawns_ghost on

    Why would a charity get a bailout? Too big to fail?  


    >When the previous chief executive left the charity last October after less than five months in the post, the department suggested a former county council chief executive as a potential candidate to provide short-term assistance as a temporary chief.  

    >“The trust engaged the recommended candidate commencing October 16th, 2023, at a daily rate of €1,000 and recouped the cost of this from [Dublin City Council] who in turn recouped it from the department.”  

    Ah…now I get it.

  3. IntentionFalse8822 on

    Just wind it up and disperse it’s assets to proper charities.

  4. Dissolve and merge into a govt body. Audit committee needs to be involved.

  5. FeistyPromise6576 on

    Just let the thing go bang. Either the government housing bodies or some other charity will buy up the properties. No reason to keep throwing good money after bad especially when they arent complying with audits and existing conditions

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