Marktforscher: Viele Unternehmen werden generative KI-Projekte aufgeben


  1. There is a big hype about generative AI. It is truly astounding. But not only in a technical way. It also created a huge societal discussion. A lot of people think, AI will change the whole world and make a lot of jobs obsolete. Some even think that AI will come to life and start thinking and acting on its own. But what does the reality look like. Do you see the killer adoption of AI in your vicinity? Companies seem to scrap generative AI left and right. What do you think, why is that? What are the challenges of generative AI adoption? And what are your own experiences with successful adoption of generative AI? How useful did it get? And did it replace something?

  2. Pentanubis on

    The practical applications of GenAI are elusive when measuring ROI. The lack of accuracy, fluidity of change, and stormy legal horizon make it a dicey adventure.

    The carpet bombing of hype has been highly lucrative for speculative ventures and entirely destructive to legitimate progress. There will definitely be practical uses for this powerful toolset, just a lot less grandiose and all-encompassing as some have liked to propose.

  3. TheSleepingPoet on

    Reality is setting in. Too much was promised too soon. Now, consumer expectations exceed the capability of the programs.

  4. Expert_Variation_123 on

    Many leaders bet way too much on Gen AI solving real human issues. If humans can’t solve it with all their brain power and good intentions, using non-Gen AI models, believe me, Gen AI can’t do it accurately either.

  5. I feel like its definitely more applicable to some industries than others, like in videogames or to help in storytelling for movies, etc.

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