1. PunkinBrewster on

    “Twitter is a cesspool and should be shut down immediately!” Tweets politician.

  2. Wise-Activity1312 on

    “Hundreds” ??

    This story is off by several orders of magnitude.

  3. FromundaCheeseLigma on

    Lol if you believe social media about anything other than nerdy hobbies you deserve what you get

  4. objective_think3r on

    I had such high hopes for this guy. Unfortunate he turned out to be a MAGA loonie

  5. CuteFreakshow on

    I wonder what happened to Twitter, to become a cesspool of bots and propaganda…hmm…

  6. Tom_Ford-8632 on

    Pierre Poilievre is an unique position. He could almost shoot someone in the middle of the street and still get elected. That’s how incompetent, ridiculous, and unqualified that his opponents are.

  7. Feynyx-77-CDN on

    Polievre doesn’t need fake accounts to misinform the public. He can lie about everything under the sun better than any bot could.

  8. NetworkGuy_69 on

    twitter is genuinely insane. my homepage is fucked for some reason it’s all fringe US politics.

  9. Reasonable-Sweet9320 on

    Elon musk is a Trump supporter, a disrupter and free speech advocate , meaning he defends the right to spread misinformation and conspiracy theories.

  10. Snowboundforever on

    If you are getting your news off of Twitter (X) or Facebook regardless of the contributor you are probably misinformed anyways.

  11. I get about five new “people” following me nearly every day.

    All bots. Twitter is complete bullshit.

  12. WildEgg8761 on

    I got off X and for the better. I even feel better trimming down my social media time.

  13. This can’t be true. I remember a post on here recently that the Quebecois were more immune to misinformation than other Canadians.

  14. X is the king of fake harassing and spamming accounts , this isn’t surprising.

  15. Time_Apartment_6533 on

    This article is very short it just says the thing and makes a connection to the states

  16. gorbachevi on

    x is for misinformation – that’s about it – quit x to stop it

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