Das Alter des Vaters kann das Down-Syndrom-Risiko beeinflussen. Laut einer Studie, die über zwei Millionen Schwangerschaften in China analysierte, war die Wahrscheinlichkeit, ein Kind mit Down-Syndrom zu bekommen, bei Vätern im Alter von über 40 oder unter 20 Jahren besonders hoch.



  1. Powerful-Union-7962 on

    Wonder what the mother’s educational level has to do with it?

  2. Bottle_Plastic on

    Is this news to anyone? Older parents = higher risk of down syndrome. It has been known for a long time

  3. Under 20 is a worry. That suggest a new meiosis disruptor like an environment chemical or something like gaming hours overcooking the nuts. That might be a new normal.

    Increasing risk with age has been known for decades.

  4. Re_LE_Vant_UN on

    According to the article it goes from a 0.1% chance to a 0.6% chance if *both* parents are over 35. Under a percent, still not that big of a deal, nobody should let that alone deter them from having kids.

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