Militärquellen zufolge zielt der Raketenangriff auf einen Militärstützpunkt der US-Streitkräfte in Bagdad ab


  1. CarpenterIT on

    At least two Katyusha rockets were fired at a military base hosting US forces near Baghdad International Airport, two Iraqi military officials told Reuters early on Tuesday.

    Air defenses intercepted the rockets, they added.

  2. CapitalJeep1 on

    Getting ready to deploy a Burger King in 5…4…3…

    Do they really really want to fuck around and find out right now…because they are about there…

  3. almost seems like iran cut a deal with the US and is throwing their entire axis of goofballs into the meat grinder on purpose

  4. Marvelologist on

    Oh, now that US troops are in trouble, they have an excuse to send the cavalry. Probably released the rocket themselves

  5. FlViking08 on

    Finally. It is time they face the full wrath of our forces. These bedouins will be destroyed.

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