Ein russischer Soldat untersucht aus erster Hand die Anatomie seiner Beine, nachdem er durch einen Granatsplitter verletzt wurde.



  1. interesting, he’s so calm and confident. he’s wondering if the shrapnel is still in his leg under the skin.

    shock? drugs? not vodka, he’s talking clearly.

  2. FastDig5496 on

    “it’s f@king disgusting”
    and additionally – there is a big wound.

  3. That_Touch5280 on

    72 houra until the necrotic tissue starts to irreversibly infect him

  4. putin says your fine now get back out there orc and die for your leader

  5. archiewaldron on

    Put a little butter on it and you’ll be right as rain tomorrow

  6. Expensive-Cup-2938 on

    Why the hell aren’t they doing anything? Every single second, this horrific wounds becomes a larger “Avengers Assemble” for bacteria.

  7. Pristine-Breath6745 on

    luckily I finished eating 20 seconds before seeing that.

  8. Far-Adhesiveness7697 on

    Roman Roman do you copy tell need two tampons asap. Ivan Ivan I copy but we’re out of tampons. Blyat wait we just took a few out of a dead comrade

  9. My_cat_is_a_creep on

    Just tie a tampon onto it and back to the front lines with you

  10. Present-Register-157 on

    No Worries, you will be able to still take part in the meat assault tomorrow,====now rest up till then comrade.

  11. Luckily you have a high quality field surgeon nearby. Oh you don’t? Oh dear best shoot it off.

  12. BuildsWithWarnings on

    I’d absolutely make this same sort of joke if it was the only coping mechanism I had, fair play to him – being human sucks, and sometimes being human sucks even more because of where you were born and what you have the option to do.

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