Der republikanische Gouverneur weist Trumps Behauptung zurück, Biden sei nach dem Hurrikan nicht erreichbar


  1. onceinawhile222 on

    Donald continues to live in his own world untouched by reality. Maybe fact Joe called first might change story. If America had a penny for every Donald lie the Federal deficit would be gone tomorrow.

  2. Grizzem222 on

    Kemp is a good governor. I disagree with his chosen party but when it comes to being an honorable governor, he’s about as decent as a republican can get these days. He hates trump with a passion, he gave the state to Biden in 2020 and he’s ontop of every crisis that comes our way from hurricanes to riots. I disagree with policies he’s enacted but if you ask me whether id rather have an honorable politician i disagree with versus a traitorous dickbag who i occasionally get a lol at bc of memes, im picking the first one lol. If the gop was like Kemp, we’d actually have a sense of normalcy here in this country, and I say all of this as someone who will be voting blue up, down left and right for the forseeable future.

  3. Well, you know how it is: Trump’s a small, pathetic liar.

    And Trump’s voters are more than happy to choose, day after day, to be stupid enough to believe his bullshit.

  4. allotta_phalanges on

    Trump’s down there hucking paper towels at street signs.

  5. Trump lies, his supporters parrot his lies; the truth doesn’t matter.

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