63 % der Generation Z würden lieber Videospiele spielen, als einen Film anzusehen



  1. Feisty_Buy6434 on

    Going to the movies are just too expensive for me now, and honestly I have been disappointed by a lot of the recent ones I have watched so I agree with Genz on this one

  2. ThinkExtension2328 on

    Deadpool says otherwise , gotta make something worth watching to make people watch

  3. DroopBarrymore on

    According to a 2024 report by the Entertainment Software Association


  4. LataCogitandi on

    My Gen Z sister has an active dislike for film and television as a whole, so they may have a point here.

  5. I’m a millenial but I’ve felt this way for a long time now. If I have free time, I find interactive media a lot more enriching than a movie or tv series nowadays. I don’t have anything against movies, I just enjoy games more. My steam backlog is endless and there’s always something exciting and new to play.

  6. tacticalcraptical on

    I feel this way and many of my friends do as well. We’re all older millennials. We feel this way even more than before because movies are getting way too long!

  7. hobbes_shot_first on

    But how many would rather watch someone else play a video game than play a video game?

  8. Villag3Idiot on

    I’ll be honest. A lot of newer movies are just boring. I find myself watching a lot of older movies / TV series more. Other than that, I watch Youtube on the side while I’m doing something else rather than TV / Movies.

  9. This is just my own 2cents, since the article focused mainly on Gen Z’s preference for interactive entertainment (As an explanation for why gaming is so popular with them), but: The entire movie industry is long overdue a crash and ‘Coming to Deity Moment of your Choice’ that brings the industry back to something approaching reality. Gen Z’s disconnect from the film industry is just a clearer example of a trend I’d bet my life savings are also visible with the older demographics behind them.

    The market has reached an absolute saturation point of mostly samey garbage content for IPs that have been acquired by soulless corporate husks who have no interest in telling stories that are authentic and interesting to the settings they own.

    Combine that with the fact that the writer’s room decisions & actor casting is happening with the chief focus being “Making moral statements about something in real life” with “Telling a good, authentic story” being a far-distant second, it’s no shocker Gen Z is checked out on it.

    They have no nostalgia of cinema’s glory days of decades past to keep them hanging around hoping for a return to form like the generations before them, because all they’ve ever known is watered down junk (With a handful of noteworthy exceptions, I concede that point happily).

  10. Dreaminginslowmotion on

    I have a 15, 14, and 10 year old and I’m consistently surprised by how little they want to go see the latest and greatest movie. The middle kid actually saying he likes “to just watch at home streaming so he can talk during the movie”.

    Games? It’s just Roblox, Fortnite, and maybe Overwatch. That’s all they need and never ever explore any classic games, as hard as I try. It’s like everything is consolidated between streaming services or one-stop Roblox / Fortnite servers now. It has all they want, so why look elsewhere?

  11. PercivalSweetwaduh on

    To be fair most video games are a lot better than most movies that have been coming out lately. Plus, kids are playing with their friends

  12. cnobody101010 on

    I rather watch a film made 20 years ago. Than one today. 

    Streaming films are like those 80’s direct to vhs movies. 

  13. eviltwintomboy on

    I’d rather read a book than anything else. Today’s films just don’t catch my eye like they used to.

  14. 45 year old guy here. Other than if my football team is on sunday, if im home alone im playing pc games. Wife is home? Then I watch tv with her if we have a show she likes and I tolerate.

    All movies and shows than only I want to watch? Stream while at work.

  15. DualActiveBridgeLLC on

    I noticed it with my kids. Getting them to watch a movie with us is really challenging not matter how good it is. It’s a little annoying but whatever.

  16. flaaaaanders on

    sounds about right, I can only watch movies if it’s on 2x speed and with subway surfers on the other monitor


  17. Penisnocchio on

    I get downvoted constantly for saying this but I personally feel the opposite. My version of autism just makes it hard to spend mental energy on games when I pretty much already do that at work, the amount of visual stimuli on a single screen just makes me want to look away and losing just makes me really angry sometimes. I like getting to just enjoy something completely passively where I don’t have to be my own person to do it, I like knowing the exact time I have to spend on a movie compared to hours and hours at various times, and I like how I can knock movies off my watchlist much quicker than a list of games to play. Again, I know I’m massively in the minority and this has made it very hard to connect with some people.

  18. Mysterious_Fennel459 on

    I’d rather play a game than watch tv also. I cant stand the crap reality and game shows on tv.

  19. gerswetonor on

    No shit. Even me as a gen y cannot focus on 280 minute movies with shitty story. I remember when movies were 92 minutes long. Perfect size. Of course people seek more interaction than just passively watching a screen of privileged hollywood actors year after year.

  20. I’m an old ass millennial and I don’t watch movies and watch maybe 5-10 hours of TV at night simply because my wife likes to watch shows with me. I’d 100% rather play a game than stare at the TV. But I’ve been doing this a long time. I feel like I’ve watched more than enough TV as a latch key kid in the 80’s & 90’s.

  21. monkeymystic on

    I prefer gaming over TV/movie streaming in general, even though I enjoy both.

    Relaxing with a game let’s me «disconnect» and reset better after work etc, and it’s more rewarding overall imo

  22. yeezy_fought_me on

    Well, yeah. There are more quality games than there are movies worth the same amount of time today. 

  23. Getdunkled on

    There isn’t a compelling reason for most people to invest 2+ hours in a movie anymore.

    The medium is past the point where viewers are given constant innovation like they were as the technology developed throughout the 20th century. In addition, the corporate interests have squashed the artistry down to a near 0. Most movies and tv shows feel like advertising for something I don’t have any reason to care about other than the powers that be want more of my money.

    I’ve stopped following all the franchises I used to watch due to their forcing out low quality content in an attempt to keep the IP financially and culturally relevant.

    There’s just more interesting things to do with your time.

  24. LiteratureLoud3993 on

    50% of this Xennial would rather game than watch movies
    I love both equally.. and I really like how gaming is now able to tell these wonderfully complex stories as the tech has progressed.
    Shits come a long way since playing Asteroids on my brothers Atari 1200

    I don’t believe for a second that there is a shady cabal of trans activists trying to poison my brain with “woke” messaging (I mean, that’s complete fucking nonsense), but I do believe that large publishers have caused developers to lose their way and need to get back to making “fun” the core of gaming – and we will get back there for sure.

    I live in a time when I can watch the likes of Sigourney Weaver, Jamie Lee Curtis and Mia Goth in some of the best horror roles to ever exist, but also play The Last of Us or Cyberpunk 2077… whilst listening to David Bowie

    I mean, what a period to be alive in eh?
    We truly are spoiled in that respect.

  25. I have seen thousands of movies in my life but the last 10 years or so it’s becoming harder and harder to actually sit down and watch a new one.

    I could easily binge a complete season of a show in one go but the idea that I have to sit down and watch a full movie just feels like a hassle, a commitment I don’t want to take.

    Binging for 8 hours on a show feels easier than watching a single 90/120 movie.

    The dopamine you get from a single episode is the same as watching a whole movie. Every episode will have a beginning, a middle and an end to a story in 45 mins while in a movie it will take at least twice as much.

    Knowing that watching two episodes will give you twice the excitement as watching a single movie in the same amount of time makes binging a lot easier than just watching a single movie.

    Also the idea that you can just stop watching after 45 mins (the end of an episode) feels more freeing than having to sit there for 2 hours before you can stop.

  26. My parents had a 30 inch TV to share, a theatre experience was special. Now you can get a relatively comparable size screen (by viewing distance) for like $300.

    The theatre experience is awful with phone users and other inconsiderate people. The prices are no longer worth it when you can have a better experience at home.

    Not to mention games are engineered to undermine your psychology in a way movies can’t really touch. It’s like comparing porn to PBS.

  27. Yeah. Often if I am watching a show or movie, it’ll remind me of a game I like, so then I’ll stop watching and go play that game. For instance, if I’m watching an action movie. It might remind me of playing an FPS. So I’d rather go off and do that, and make my own action. There are exceptions, as there are absolutely engrossing movies and tv shows out there.

  28. SemiAutoAvocado on

    Well yeah they have the attention of a goldfish. Only yas queen movies can keep their eyes glued to a screen for more than 10 seconds, and they will need to have tiktok open at the same time anyway.

  29. baroldhudd on

    I suspect that ther are a lot of causes of this phenomenon, but I wonder if the social aspect of video games is the primary driver. It seems very logical to me that Gen-Z, which is perfectly accustomed to socializing virtually, prefers an activity to share with friends over another that is more commonly experienced alone.

  30. deftoned006 on

    I’m a Xennial and would rather play video games over watch movies. Movies since maybe 2003 just don’t interest me at all. Sick of all the pandering towards people my age with all the IPs we grew up with.

  31. The12th_secret_spice on

    Do y’all think the entertainment software association (who did the study), a voice and advocate for the us video game industry since 1994, would have a biased study that shows people prefer video games over movies?

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