1. welding-guy74 on

    Yes yes yes .. can we also work on making psychedelics legal in at least a controlled setting? I feel it would benefit the mental health of many people..

  2. Ok_Produce_9308 on

    Courting the youth vote. Legalization is on the ballot in Florida.

  3. AssumptionDeep774 on

    It worked for Trudeau in Canada. Tried and true election winning strategy.

  4. alwaystired707 on

    CA chiming in. The current law is that you can grow your own up to 6 plants per household for recreational use, and can carry up to an ounce in public. Common sense applies to the rest. Driving while stoned will still get you a DUI, and lighting up in a crowd could get you arrested for disturbing the peace. Selling it without a dealers license can get you nailed too. I worked as an auto mechanic for 20 years and now have chronic back and knee pain after retiring. 420 takes the pain away and gives me a decent nights sleep.

  5. Any-Ad-446 on

    Push weed legalization and pro choice in Florida and Texas and dems might win those states..If they take just one Trump is screwed.

  6. New_Function_6407 on

    Legalizing marijuana at the national level is needed…but so are laws that won’t allow cigarette companies to take advantage. 

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