Reddit macht standortweite Proteste praktisch unmöglich


  1. major_winters_506 on

    People still use Reddit?

    *looks down at my own hands*


  2. chillywanton on

    You know what I miss? The old Reddit when you could watch live feeds of people performing music, showing off a skill/craft, letting us glimpse into their day-to-day, that science guy with the microscope, DJs running through their playlists, watching old cartoons, etc.

  3. RandomRedditor44 on

    >“The ability to instantly change Community Type settings has been used to break the platform and violate our rules,”

    What rules does it break?

  4. I get the feeling they’re going to keep “fixing” the site until becomes trash and cause a mass exodus of users like Digg and Tumblr did.

  5. The start of the public company downfall begin

    Prepare for reddit to get worse and worse until its unusable

  6. CoverTheSea on

    Ok, what about if Mods just protested by changing submission rules to approvals only. Thus all new posts would be banned except the one post pointing out the reason of the ban

  7. likwitsnake on

    Whatever happened to that API price increase protest? I remember the NBA sub going private literally during the Finals, but can’t remember much more of consequence.

  8. Senior-Background141 on

    Ofc, why would they be interested in people using api to block ads or protest the changing business model? Too many kids here too. Money money money hahah

  9. Tumblrrito on

    I think Reddit’s CEO and Ajit Pai should be sent to a remote island to live out the rest of their lives 🙂

  10. this_my_sportsreddit on

    One of the stranger takes on here seems to be the widespread acceptance that social media is awful, Twitter is especially awful.. but reddit itself is neither social media nor unhealthy.

  11. millanstar on

    Remeber when many subs went “dark” in a performsrtive protest because of the API changes? Which did nothing but just making the subs (and search agregators) useless for a time, and absolutely nothing changed, they even went back to normal pretending nothing happened in the first place…

  12. ChafterMies on

    During last year’s protest, I deleted my Reddit account. And I’m sure I’ll do it again. Reddit can’t make me use its shitty platform.

  13. HighOnGoofballs on

    I mean those “protests” didn’t accomplish anything anyway

  14. rocketpastsix on

    I’m surprised they are since the last one was a stunning failure. Why do anything if everyone knows it won’t work next time?

  15. curly_spork on

    That sucks. Let’s remember all the successful protests. 

    Oh. Nothing. 

  16. You can’t openly express yourself in this platform. I’ve been temp banned twice in a few weeks just for dark humor .

  17. Can we protest the subs that require a verified email to comment? I’m basically banned from several because I don’t want Reddit to have my email to sell

  18. “We want to hear from you when you think Reddit is making decisions that are not in your communities’ best interests. But if a protest crosses the line into harming redditors and Reddit, we’ll step in.”

    I shall make an attempt to translate.

    “We want you to tell us when you dislike our changes, but we don’t want to actually have to care about what you think because you won’t have the ability to do anything about it.”

  19. Well that last “protests” only achieved annoy the users and make old content that would help people unavailable and Reddit went through with the API changes anyway, so yeah.

    So if you dislike how Reddit is doing things don’t throw a tantrum, don’t make a dramatic speech, don’t hurt or inconvenience other people under the guide of “fighting the man!”. Just leave. It’ll hurt Reddit more and the rest of the users less.

  20. ShaveTheTurtles on

    Meh if they deny it, just stop moderating.  Don’t say you are young to stop,  just stop actually doing anything.

  21. drockalexander on

    Reddit, this app, has lost the plot. They r taking away everything that made this place cool to be at in the first place. Fuck enshitification, greed has ruined everything

  22. waIIstr33tb3ts on

    interesting they didn’t make the announcement on /r/announcements

  23. OutlawSundown on

    Pour one out for sports subs going dark when they shit the bed in make or break championship or playoff games.

  24. seolchan25 on

    You know what would be a better protest that they could not block easily? Have as many people as possible not login for an entire week. If it was actually organized and successfully executed with a very large amount of users, imagine what that would do to their advertising revenue. Unfortunately, I seriously doubt this ever happened because of human nature and disorganization among other things.

  25. Bullshit. Making a sub private is hardly the only way to protest. An easy alternative would be an automod setting that immediately locked and deleted all posts that were not entirely comprised of “fuck u/spez”.

  26. Pergaminopoo on

    I got banned from a sub continuing a joke and banned from Reddit awhile.
    Reddit has seriously gone down hill

  27. 3between20characters on

    Next time there is a protest we just close our accounts on mass then yeah.


  28. Well, there’s always swinging dicks. If swinging dicks occupy the front page of the internet, that’s a way to protest. Meatspin 2024!

  29. kokopelleee on

    For profit, advertising based, company does things to control its revenue

    Color me SHOCKED!!!

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