Ukrainische Drohne zerstört außer Gefecht gesetzten T-90M mit mehrstöckigem Leitkäfig.

Von quetch1


  1. Rhoihessewoi on

    Is there a reason why they always let the hatch open when they leave the tank?

  2. No-Classroom-1801 on

    Think it was a thermite charge or did they hit some ammo with a grenade?

  3. Why not claiming the tank instead of destroying it? If it’s beyond repear why destroying it?

  4. schizeckinosy on

    They left the door and the screen door open! Lets the mosquitoes in….

  5. “We heard you like cope cages so we put cope cage on your cope cage!”

  6. Can someone please explain if the fire is caused by the ammo cooking of and why does it not explode in this case?

  7. I have to admit…I chuckled at the drone flying through the massive cope cage and right into the passenger compartment for a full detonation.

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