Netanjahu: Die Islamische Republik Iran wird früher fallen, als die Leute denken


  1. OGMansaMusa on

    Based on recent events, if I were Iran I would take this as a warning, maybe even a promise, more than pager rattling.

  2. hosszufaszoskelemen on

    Lets hope he’s right. Their economy is not doing well thats for sure. Neither are their minions in Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq or Yemen

  3. Silvuh_Ad_9046 on

    Unfortunately our people right now are too scared to fight back, it’s only possible with Israel’s interference atp

  4. I wonder how would Iran react if Israel eliminated all their leaders like they did to Hezbollah. Both countries are basically unable to invade the other by land, but Israel is far more superior in these long range attacks.

  5. SpongeJake on

    Well this time he’ll have the population of Iran firmly on his side.

  6. CommitteeofMountains on

    Mission creep or just trying to make them sweat? Could Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey ally over diverting Kurdish aspirations towards their easternmost range?

  7. I don’t care who you are and what you believe as long as it doesn’t degrade any humans for things they can’t control. If you practice gender apartheid, racism, or hate and persecute the rainbow peoples than yall are part of the problem and don’t deserve sympathy or defense.

  8. Rich-Adhesiveness137 on

    Then and only then Peace will return in the middle east.

  9. CantaloupeUpstairs62 on

    There’s a reasonable possibility that the Islamic Republic in its current form falls after the Ayatollah’s death. He is 85.

    Netanyahu can be correct about this even if Israel does nothing to hasten the process.

  10. Kitchen_Housing2815 on

    I wonder how much Russia being bog down in Ukraine affects Iran and middle east extremists diplomatic and combat capabilities.  None of them manage to punch back the way they use to.

  11. As an Iranian living in Canada, I certainly hope the Iranian regime falls within my life time.

  12. VendettaKarma on

    Sure hope so.

    Check out pre-Islamic revolution Iran images.

    Literally could have been Dubai.

    It’s absolutely wild.

  13. spaceman620 on

    Israel about to do something *very* funny for the anniversary of October 7, perhaps?

  14. If I hadn’t watched what happened to Hezbollah over the last two weeks, then I’d probably pass this off as sabre rattling and bluster. But the last fortnight did happen and the funny thing here is I would imagine Tehran is currently looking at this through a similar lens as me.

  15. sgskyview94 on

    Give freedom to the iranian people. Get them out from the terrorist rule.

  16. I’m sure there’s a large portion of Iranian citizens who hope the same thing.

  17. Andovars_Ghost on

    On this, I hope he’s right. Back in the early 80’s (I’m old), one of my best friends was Iranian and his family had fled right before the revolution. They were such a great family and the history and art of Iran is incredible. I hope the people of Iran can finally shrug off the ayatollahs and repression.

  18. Maybe, but that’s the easy part. The hard part is ensuring it gets replaced by democracy instead of more authoritarianism.

  19. thatirishguyyyyy on

    And the civilians inside of iran will be on their side. The Iranian government has all but guaranteed it. 

  20. AdInitial6205 on

    As an Iranian, I certainly hope so. Hopefully all theocratic dictatorships see their demise.

  21. Without any judgement as to whether this is warranted – I think it’s widely agreed that the situation Israel faces with respect to the surrounding nations isn’t something that could go on forever. Israel is currently fighting on two spatial fronts with Hamas in the west, and now Hezbollah in the North – opening a third front without material support in the east with Iran spreads itself too thinly. I’m no military strategist but I would think it would require a coalition of supporting nations to see success if it were waged conventionally. Of course, we have seen recently that Israel is quite comfortable with unconventional means.

    If they engage directly with Iran, this will pull in the US and a number of other nations, which is going to pull in others to reinforce Iran.

  22. All of the Iranians I’ve met would be very excited when the regime collapsed. I’m only hoping that innocent casualties will not have to pay the price alongside the ones in charge.

  23. Best-Race4017 on

    Inshallah 🙏 Hope Iranians are finally liberated from Satanic Mullahs.

  24. I’m no fan of Iran but I think the most disturbing thing about this statement is I believe Netanyahu would start a war with Iran if it would delay his accountability for the October 7th massacre.


    Hamas did it… they didn’t defeat Israel but they broke them.. they made Israel realize that there’s no negotiating let’s kill everybody! lol

    Nasrallah thought they were fixated on Sinwar.. nope they got Hezbollah entire leadership after inflicting 2,500 casualties from pagers..

    Supreme leader is in hiding.. this did not go the way they planned

  26. WileyCoyote7 on

    My in-laws are Iranian, fled in ‘79. Not exactly “Argo” but damn close. They hope all the time that the Islamic Republic collapses and that they can return home. They show me photos from before and it’s unreal how westernized they were. FIL had a cherry-red Mustang, they went to discos, listened to Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, smoked pot, etc.

  27. Signal_Bird_9097 on

    One big mistake by Hezbollah could be a short and quick path to a strike on Iranian targets. If i were Iran, i’d tread lightly as this would be the time for Israel to strike big picture wise

  28. PoliticalCanvas on

    > Iran for decades used high oil prices (created by own ideological opponents) and Western geopolitical procrastination (created by own ideological opponents) to create nukes.

    > Iranian ideological opponents continue to give Iran high oil prices and time…

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