Donald Trump sagt, das Defi-Kryptowährungsprojekt seiner Kinder werde dazu beitragen, Amerika zur „Kryptohauptstadt der Welt“ zu machen. Aber die Whitelist ist nicht einmal für Amerikaner verfügbar.


  1. The other day he tweeted something about the announcement of his crypto project and there was to be a rally that same day, so I thought oh hey, he’s definitely going to say the word “Crypto”, and bet money on it on Polymarket.

    He literally didn’t say a word about his own project that’s supposed to be changing the world or whatever. He knows it’s a scam and only talks about it on twitter, never at his rallies and anything that seems official to him. I’ve watched 99% of them and he never mentions it, that’s why the chances of the word “Crypto” being said by him is 5% on polymarket lol.

  2. Having a candidate for presidency just shilling shit for money is actually wild.

    I mean pins and flyers and bumperstickers is one thing. But i swear. The shoes, watches, cards, nfts, and now just shilling a coin that’s honestly probably just an erc20 meme coin. Just feels dirty.

    And I’m a fan of crypto

  3. Grifting and rugpulling people in other countries does indirectly help ‘Murica

  4. deJuice_sc on

    The Privacy Policy for this World Liberty Financial scheme has red flags:

    **Data Sharing**: It allows sharing personal information with third-party service providers and affiliates, with limited transparency about who they are.

    **Cookies**: The site uses cookies, and while it provides ways to opt out, it mentions not honoring “Do Not Track” signals, raising concerns about privacy.

    **International Data Transfers**: Data can be transferred to jurisdictions with less robust privacy laws.

    **Retention**: Data may be kept indefinitely under vague “business purposes.”

  5. No_Obligation_3568 on

    If you believe anything this man says then you are a fool

  6. Every_Hunt_160 on

    His 18 year old son Barron already created a Trump shitcoin on Solana (not an official one) which rugged 99%

    I’m surprised that not many people are even talking about this one. First the scam from a Trump and also how’s he’s already scamming when he’s just turned 18 lol

  7. He is trying to rug the other nations. Make the amarica great again by make the other nations poorer again. Great plan revealed

  8. fan_of_hakiksexydays on

    He sounds more like a youtuber shilling some crypto scam as the next great thing.

    That’s not who I want in this space.

    I’d rather have someone who can recognize the risks and misuses for crypto, and understand that we might need some degree of regulation, while also understanding that we don’t want to suppress tech development, and need to find a fine balance.

  9. This is coming from a guy that probably can’t even use a computer. GTFOH.

  10. SmellsLikeBu11shit on

    New DJT shitcoin just dropped! inb4 the inevitable rugpull

  11. PessimisticProphet on

    Ya, he doesn’t understand crypto and just posts what they tell him to about it. We get it. No need to rehash it daily.

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