1. AskRecent2010 on

    How about this for a headline: “Biden Harris administrations sends another half a billion dollars overseas while Asheville, NC is without food or clean water.” Oh wait, that doesn’t fit your propaganda based bias, my bad

  2. NormalizeNormalUS on

    Projection. Every accusation is a confession with these doped up clowns.

  3. Dennisthefirst on

    Don’t worry, as an illegal immigrant, Trump will asset strip and deport him

  4. Mean_Alternative1651 on

    Musk is the immigrant that’s destroying America. Add Murdoch and Thiel to the list.

  5. onceinawhile222 on

    Did you see where his brother said they were in the country illegally in the 90’s?

  6. rockinrobolin on

    Funny enough Elon’s followers aren’t as dumb as Trump’s. He’s taking himself down a peg.

  7. IndependentSpell8027 on

    Democracy is over if Trump DOES win. And Musk knows it and wants it.

  8. Abbey_Something on

    Musk seems to be oblivious to the repercussions of his actions. Is he prepared to be the most hated man in the world for helping a narcissist lunatic win? Or if said lunatic wins be thrown under the bus when shit goes belly up when a crisis happens after Musk gets rid of Fed employees and services?

    I feel musk is a gaining speed locomotive headed for a brick wall and a lot of innocent people are going to get with the fallout shrapnel. He knows his money will keep him safe.

  9. pumpman1771 on

    He’s playing trumps game of repeating lies and thinking that with repetition, it becomes reality.

  10. Lovinglifestill on

    And another white billionaire knowing white rule is over. That’s his democracy.

  11. Addiction always leads you to shitty places, no matter where you start.

  12. Quantum-Long on

    Fact: Dems are feverishly trafficking migrants to swing states.

  13. No-Negotiation3093 on

    Honest question. What in the fuck would Musk know about democracy? He’s an oligarch.

  14. Taxman2906 on

    Fundamental issue here is no governance of a public company. If someone like Dimon or Iger behaved like Elmo they would have been dismissed instantly, as they should.

    If we had a serious Congress, they would be legislating and appropriating their way to cut this guy loose entirely as a government contractor.

  15. Both-Mango1 on

    Musk is an uber rich, loud, mouthed elitist. Even on X, there was a hashtag of #deportelon a few weeks ago.

  16. There is no coming back from this. These guys are all in to over throw the US. It is legit worrisome. 

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