Studie zeigt, dass Sinnesgenuss in der Natur universell ist: Forscher befragten Besucher in Nationalparks und Wäldern in vier verschiedenen Ländern und fanden heraus, dass alle fünf Sinne der Menschen durch ihre Umgebung positiv aktiviert werden

Study finds sensory enjoyment of nature is universal 

1 Comment

  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >the study surveyed 100 on-site participants in Australia, 100 in Chile, and >500 in China, and compiled 1000 relevant social media posts from Japan. 
    >The key sensory experiences were universal: sights of plant shapes and colours; sounds of birdsong, running water, and rustling leaves; smells of flowers, trees, and earth; taste and temperature of clean air and water; and touch of bark and rocks.  

    >These sensory experiences were at a scale that was broad enough to apply for prescriptible nature therapies in any forested region, but fine enough to be used in future quantitative research to test therapeutic designs, doses and durations.

    Paper: [Principal sensory experiences of forest visitors in four countries, for evidence‐based nature therapy – Buckley – People and Nature – Wiley Online Library](

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