Die Republikaner drohen bereits damit, Harris daran zu hindern, SCOTUS-Vorschläge zu treffen



  1. Colonel-Mooseknuckle on

    Remember when republicans blocked Obama’s pick because it was too close to an election (8 months)? But then it was totally cool when Trump nominated someone 2 months before an election.

  2. Individual_Pear2661 on

    I hear that they are also trying to stop her from flying to Mars and recruiting Martians to be on her campaign staff.

  3. huskeylovealways on

    This is another reason why we must vote all Republicans out

  4. Cool-Protection-4337 on

    They killed the filibuster on Scotus nominations them selves. All Democrats need is 51 just like how they seated the last 3 far right partisans themselves with no Democrat help. 

  5. OverlyComplexPants on

    Well… appointing a new SCOTUS justice if needed is an official act of the President and the SCOTUS just ruled that the President cannot be criminally charged for any actions related to performing an “official act”, even including murder. So, maybe those Republicans should pause for a moment and rethink trying to stop a President from performing an “official act”.

    These are the rules and blanket immunity from prosecution that the Republicans wanted, even insisted, the President should have. Be careful what you ask for, fuckers. You just might get it.

  6. wut_eva_bish on

    GOP sees the polls leaning Harris and are preemptively getting nervous. They hate democracy and know they’re going to lose. Vote blue all the way down the ticket.


  7. Teriyaki456 on

    I’m tired of this crap with republicans. If Harris gets in and I pray she does, she needs to gather those same republicans into a meeting. Tell them that they can’t piss off any “special” projects or program they want if that’s the way they want to play. They’re states are scorched earth and that’s just the way it goes. Make it cut both ways instead of rolling over and playing dead like Obama did when this same scenario was presented to him.

  8. tenderooskies on

    what was once unheard of is now the norm for these pricks. of course

  9. Obviously, Democrats should blanket block any future Republican SCOTUS picks, at least until we recoup the two stolen seats.


    Which is why we have to vote them all out. This November

    Roevember is coming 😑.

    I hope there isn’t a single Republican left in office after this November.

  11. They are going to have a hard time doing shit after losing the House and Senate.

  12. NeonRattlerz on

    Even more of a reason to vote against every single republican on the ballot this November. They cannot govern. They refuse to do their fucking jobs.

  13. SnarkyPuppy-0417 on

    Right. Proving the Republican party is unified. This whole we’re not MAGA mantra is simply blowing smoke.

  14. Effective-Pudding207 on

    But according to the “Supreme” Court she can do whatever she wants as President.

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