Bahnbrechender, biegsamer 32-Bit-Mikroprozessor kostet weniger als einen Dollar in der Herstellung | Kaum Durchsatzverlust, selbst bei extremer Krümmung


  1. Great, problem is, it’s not gonna have too much use cases, maybe some niche.

    A microprocessor like this would need a battery to run off (even if small), and therefore, you could already put a non-bendable microprocessor “attached” to that battery, and even splitted on two half’s if needed (we already had the tech to make “splitted bridged microprocessors”)

    This would be huge if we’re able to make bendable batteries. Meanwhile, it’s not gonna be the solution to much uses case

    Also, it seems to be so so so underpowered, that its uses would be very very constrained.

  2. patrickd42 on

    Most use cases for a bendable processor could likely be handled by an 8-bit processor, which would consume way less. As soon as real compute is needed, RAM and battery will be the main issue

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