Die Enträtselung der Raumzeit. „Man sieht keine andere Wahl, als das zu sagen.“ [space-time] Die Geometrie versagt, und die Prägeometrie muss an ihre Stelle treten, um die Physik durch die letzten Phasen des Gravitationskollapses und weiter in das zu befördern, was als nächstes passiert.“

The Unraveling of Space-Time

1 Comment

  1. EricFromOuterSpace on


    *What’s wrong with space-time as we know it? Physicists point to a constellation of scenarios, including ones that pit the tenets of general relativity against those of quantum theory — the other pillar of 20th-century physics, which describes matter and radiation as collections of randomly rippling waves. Einstein pioneered the use of thought experiments to sharpen his ideas about space and time. When today’s physicists imagine sufficiently fantastical procedures, they encounter conundrums that undermine their common sense notion of space-time as a fundamental fabric.*

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