Das kostenlose Schulbuchprogramm soll auf die Oberstufe ausgeweitet werden


Von badger-biscuits


  1. My young lad just started 5th year, cost us about €350 for the full senior cycle books. Looks like we’ll be the last to miss out. C’set la vie, good scheme

  2. WraithsOnWings2023 on

    Credit where it’s due on this one, good scheme that will help a lot of families 

  3. ShowmasterQMTHH on

    They should be available for free as digital as well, young kids shouldnt be having to carry 30lbs to school when a €100 tablet could be just as effective.

  4. GroundbreakingToe717 on

    If you can’t feed them, don’t breed them.

  5. Able-Exam6453 on

    I don’t know when this business of buying school textbooks began but I can’t see why schools don’t revert to the books being school property, issued to pupils each year and kept in their desk/ locker, as the kids’ responsibility. Used the following year by the class moving up. Carting the lot of them to and from school daily, never mind buying them in the first place, really boggles my mind.

  6. Puzzleheaded_Cap7462 on

    I remember it being such a kick in the teeth buying a school book only for the teacher to be working exclusively off worksheets for years, not touching the book at all.

  7. Impossible_One5795 on

    My youngest is starting secondary next year so we went to the open night at the school. She is entitled to free books but now they want all kids to have a laptop, pre loaded with the books at the very not free cost of €650!

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