Die Planung von 64 Wohnungen in Dublin wurde wegen Bedenken hinsichtlich der „öffentlichen Sicherheit“ abgelehnt, da auch Bedenken hinsichtlich der psychischen Gesundheit aufkamen


Von norodaisy


  1. >Residents on Quarry Road in Cabra had raised objections to the proposed apartment blocks, with some believing they would cause a loss of daylight “that would affect the mental health of ­people with seasonal affective disorder”.


  2. AsanteSane on

    It’s hard not to feel constantly screwed over by older people as a person in their 20’s in this country

  3. ApartmentOk8908 on

    In fairness to the people on Quarry Road, a massive development went up behind their houses last year. There are a lot of new apartments around that area that went up with zero objections

  4. Good thing being homeless has no health or mental health concerns……….

  5. Given the Indo login wall, can’t tell exactly what part of Quarry Road these were earmarked for.

    It’s a lot of existing low-density, can’t see where apartment blocks could be shoved in:


    **EDIT:** Okay found the info:

    >Patrick Goslin and Sons Ltd sought planning permission from Dublin City Council for the demolition of all the buildings at 52 and 54 Quarry Road and the redevelopment of the site to provide 64 apartments across three separate apartment blocks. This would include two studios, 28 one-bed and 34 two-bed apartments. There would also be a commercial premises. The planning application said there would only be five car-parking spaces and 138 places for bikes.

    Yea no, that’s shoehorning way too much in.

  6. Table_Shim on

    Apartments are good, excessive overshadowing is bad. There’s always a good middle ground.

    You can increase densities on sites without taking the piss. A single 17 storey block shouldn’t go within 20m of an existing 4-bed semi-detached house.

    You can use step up heights of apartment blocks to transition from an area of low density to high density. The new tower in Donnybrook is a good example.

    There are exceptions, nuances, rail station adjacent site exceptions.

    Not commenting on this application, just to the conversation in general.

  7. Patrick Goslin and Sons Ltd sought planning permission from Dublin City Council for the demolition of all the buildings at 52 and 54 Quarry Road and the redevelopment of the site to provide 64 apartments across three separate apartment blocks. This would include two studios, 28 one-bed and 34 two-bed apartments. There would also be a commercial premises.
    The planning application said there would only be five car-parking spaces and 138 places for bikes.
    In October last year, Dublin City Council refused permission due to concerns about the lack of parking, amenities in the area and the impact it would have on an adjoining apartment block.
    It said the proposed development “would cause serious injury to the ­residential amenities” of people living in the Homestead Court apartments through the “unreasonable loss of daylight/­sunlight”.
    There were also concerns raised that the lack of ­spaces would lead to illegal parking on footpaths, creating obstructions for pedestrians and cyclists. The five car spaces would include two electric vehicles, two car-sharing services and one ­disabled parking bay.
    A total of 16 observations were submitted in response to the planning application. Locals said the development would cause a “reduced visibility of the sky, loss of privacy, noise disturbance and increased dust and dirt”.
    They also believed it would lead to increased anti-social behaviour due to a lack of facilities, jobs and services in the area.

  8. strictnaturereserve on

    I know it might have been mentioned in one of the objections but please tell me that this isn’t the reason.

    If this is the case we need to abandon all built up areas and start again.

  9. I guess we let the homeless camp on the site instead, that will make them feel much better

  10. CurrencyDesperate286 on

    “seeing other people with a place to live depresses me”

  11. The headline is ragebait.

    5 parking spaces for an apartment block is the real scandal.

  12. These NIMBY pricks would object to anything. And now throwing phrases like “mental health” around just makes it too easy.
    They need to change the laws about objecting.

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