1. MadnessBomber on

    We seriously need to start adding “to the surprise of nobody” to these. C’mon, he’s frequently admitted to almost everything he’s done and people still act shocked?

  2. Secure-Quiet3067 on

    And y’all wonder why Trump’s life is being threatened? It’s the bullying “STUPID!” Ain’t nobody wanna listen when I say that people hate it when Donald Trump confesses of crimes he’s committed, then he brags about them at his rallies; what makes you think that the right crackpot paying attention to his boasting, & blinded by it for a nano second; won’t think through his madness and try to kill Trump? The Secret 🤫 Service should walk on him just 1️⃣ time; I betcha it’ll shut that big fat, funky, vulgar Violet prejudice, corrupt, lying, Alzheimer’s, dementia and diseased mouth down at least for a minute! Some of the things that come outta Trump’s mouth is very Cringe worthy & if I can see this & I’m quite sane; whadda you think someone with killer instincts will do? Trump is dangerous, with his vile rhetoric!

    That’s crazy human behavior! If they keep hearing Trump and his boasting, & the scotus Scum 6 gives him immunity; this type of bullying shit will get him killed! We need a better
    DOJ; the things Trump said about immigrants today is a threat and he knows it! Kamala couldn’t get away with this type of behavior! TRUMP IS SICKENING!

  3. Straight-Storage2587 on

    Stiffed as the MAGA Teamsters will get. If Trump is elected.

  4. newnewtonium on

    Let him be President again, and he’ll do the same to the country. Trump is unfit to be called a decent human.

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