RTÉ News: Höchststrafen für Messerdelikte steigen


Von Banania2020


  1. BrokenHearing on

    That won’t stop judges like Nolan from giving suspended sentenced anyway simce there’s no minimum sentence.

  2. I’m sure the change from five years fully suspended to seven years fully suspended will make all the difference.

  3. Crisp_Sambo on

    Literally no point to this considering maximum sentences are rarely if ever handed out. Just more posturing and empty actions. Increase MINIMUM sentencing if they want a difference and a law with some teeth.

  4. Seems to be nothing more than trying to make it look like something is being done, rather than actually doing something.

    Does this matter at all if minimum/maximum sentences weren’t already being dished out?

    Regardless of who wins the next election, it would be wise to remove McEntee as Minister for Justice. It has been nothing but a mess since her appointment.

    This seems to be designed to get newspaper headlines prior to an election, rather than to protect the public or make them feel safer.

    The first question to this should be how many maximum sentences were handed out already for knife crime since she’s been appointment?

    I’d be willing to bet it’s probably zero.

  5. IntentionFalse8822 on

    We can’t get the judges to send their cash cow repeat offenders to jail for even a day. Best of luck getting them to use maximum sentences. Every day a habitual criminal is off the streets in Jail not committing crimes is another 251 BMW lost to the justice industry.

  6. spudulike65 on

    in Galway last week a lad up in court for the 2nd time after being caught with a knife got a €100 fine 🤔🤔

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