Großbritannien beendet 142 Jahre Kohlekraft, da letztes Kraftwerk nach 57 Betriebsjahren geschlossen wird | Das Vereinigte Königreich strebt bis 2030 ein vollständig dekarbonisiertes Energiesystem an und setzt damit ein starkes Beispiel für andere Nationen, die auf umweltfreundlichere Energie umsteigen.


  1. From the article: The UK closed its last remaining coal power plant as the country marked a definitive swing toward clean energy. Nottinghamshire’s Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station, which had powered the nation for 57 years, officially stopped generating electricity.

    This event signals the end of Britain’s 142-year reliance on coal, dating back to 1882 when the world’s first coal-fired power station opened in London. The country will also become the first G7 nation to eliminate coal-fired power production.

    Phil MacDonald, managing director of global energy think tank Ember, captured the significance of the moment, “This is the final chapter of a remarkably swift transition from the country that started the Industrial Revolution.”

    The closure also aligns with the UK’s government policy to phase out coal, a plan that was set in motion almost a decade ago.

  2. TrueCryptographer982 on

    And no one can afford to turn on their heater or pay their electric bill.

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