Taliban geben Kinderbräute an Ehemänner zurück und machen afghanische Scheidungen ungültig – The Jerusalem Post



  1. Left-Combination1481 on

    Disgusting. I’m disgusted with the parents. I’m disgusted with the buyers.

  2. PNW_Undertaker on

    This is exactly what Russian is basically starting and what the Christian’s here only dream of getting to….. just disgusting

  3. Unhappy-Ended on

    This shit is disgusting. I’m blown away that there are countries/cultures/governments/groups (evidently an enormous amount to) who deem right, and ANGRILY for that matter. Unbelievable.

  4. Salty_Replacement835 on

    That’s what their book tells them I guess, it must as this is not the only country following this book that does this.

  5. Haunting-Witness2009 on

    When I was in Afghanistan, one of the locals we worked with just had a daughter. And I remember him being so happy because it was the first girl in his family. He showed us pictures of her when he came back from quarantine. This was during covid. Every now and then I wonder about him and his family, his daughter. If they made it out.

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