Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien legt sein Veto gegen den umstrittenen KI-Gesetzentwurf ein und ist ein Sieg für Big Tech – Tech-Führungskräfte und Investoren lehnten die Maßnahme ab, die von Unternehmen verlangt hätte, die leistungsstärksten KI-Systeme vor der Veröffentlichung zu testen.


  1. Submission statement: California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) vetoed a bill on Sunday that would have instituted the nation’s strictest artificial intelligence regulations — a major win for tech companies and venture capitalists who had lobbied fiercely against the law, and a setback for proponents of tougher AI regulation.

    The legislation, known as S.B. 1047, would have required companies to test the most powerful AI systems before release and held them liable if their technology was used to harm people — for example, by helping to plan a terrorist attack.

  2. Ok when this thing goes completely off its rails I don’t want anybody wondering how we got here.

  3. flames_of_chaos on

    Harming innovation arguments by companies or investors just means that they won’t make money faster.

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